My Humax Forum » Tags » Aura

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  latest error, fast play
By bellla2 in forum: Aura UHD
42 Last reply by
2 weeks ago
Cannot add apps
By Zebra in forum: Aura UHD
3 Last reply by
2 weeks ago
Moving from Humax 1010s to... What?
By Hoops in forum: Other Humax Products
3 Last reply by
2 weeks ago
Aura powers on but no HDMI output
By Glennsh in forum: Aura UHD
6 Last reply by
1 mnth ago
PC access to Aura over Internet
By abroad in forum: Aura UHD
5 Last reply by
2 mnths ago
FVP4000T no power
By Juan Campos in forum: FVP 4000T, 5000T
1 Last reply by
Juan Campos
2 mnths ago
Missing HD channels
By Emma J in forum: Aura UHD
2 Last reply by
2 mnths ago
Humax aura issues
By Originalgavman in forum: Aura UHD
14 Last reply by
2 mnths ago
Help with HDMI cable please
By Ne5 in forum: Aura UHD
11 Last reply by
3 mnths ago
Can’t connect aura app on Apple to set top box
By Jbl98 in forum: Aura UHD
16 Last reply by
3 mnths ago
Aura error code fvp 03 024
By Westcroft in forum: Aura UHD
16 Last reply by
4 mnths ago
Aura keeps rebooting
By frenchkings in forum: Aura UHD
5 Last reply by
5 mnths ago
Randomly restarting
By humaxban in forum: Aura UHD
11 Last reply by
Paul Bton
5 mnths ago
  Occasional short black screen on ITV
By KevT in forum: WELCOME to the forums!
3 Last reply by
5 mnths ago
Jerky playback on catch up services ONLY
By Milkey in forum: Aura UHD
8 Last reply by
5 mnths ago
Aura forgetting wi-fi password
By Mike w in forum: Aura UHD
4 Last reply by
6 mnths ago
Humax Aura : Whisper Quiet (?)
By digbydog in forum: Aura UHD
22 Last reply by
7 mnths ago
Aura access media files on NAS
By colinobj in forum: Aura UHD
13 Last reply by
7 mnths ago
Aura - volume
By Helen222 in forum: Aura UHD
4 Last reply by
7 mnths ago
Aura and Sonos.
By Tommy1976 in forum: Aura UHD
50 Last reply by
7 mnths ago

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