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Aura - constantly getting Recording Failure

(9 posts)
  1. kingsmiller


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    It happens quite a lot. Tonight two recordings failures due to “Loss of Power”

    What is this all about !!

    I regret totally buying this Aura it’s been one problem after another. It’s time for a software update to fix these numerous problems.

    Has anyone had problems with Recording Failed due to loss of Power !!!

    | Sat 31 Aug 2024 22:30:32 #1 |
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    Yes I get this often but not very this usually coincides with the Aura deciding it wants to reboot itself just when they are about to reveal the murderer or when a goal is about to be scored.

    The last major update to the Aura was August 2021, I doubt there will be any further updates.

    | Sun 1 Sep 2024 11:42:30 #2 |
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    I've found that when this happens the recording is usually still there!

    | Sun 1 Sep 2024 12:01:46 #3 |
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    The other day I recorded something (I'm sure it was only once). I got a proper, playable recording AND another unplayable (power failure) one. I used to get many of these power failure recordings - usually coinciding with a reboot.

    | Sun 1 Sep 2024 12:37:20 #4 |
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    I have also been having problems like this and they appear to be getting more frequent. I get the impression that they are worse when more than one recording is taking place at the same time.

    | Sun 15 Sep 2024 14:35:07 #5 |
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    Mike w

    Joined: May '22
    Posts: 24


    A sympathiser here. I get this and also (when recording a series) something like five (say) episodes of one hour and then one with only one minute. No explanation. My old Fox box was reliable as the day is long - this one has been issue after issue.

    | Mon 16 Sep 2024 13:56:51 #6 |
  7. kingsmiller


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    Thank you for your message Mike. I have complained to Humax, but I’ve had no reassurance from them that this problem can be fixed.

    I think we all are waiting for the next update hoping that this and other issues are resolved.

    Could I ask if you have complained to Humax, if so did they reply and say if it will be fixed.

    Thanks .. Bill

    | Mon 16 Sep 2024 17:17:14 #7 |
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    As I have mentioned before in other threads do a reset but don't connect to internet. Use a cheap firestick for catch up and apps and all the problems go away and as a recording machine it works as it should. Must be 9 months or more now and no problems with rebooting.
    The only slight annoyance will be when you bring up the guide it will ask you to connect to the internet just press OK each time.

    | Wed 18 Sep 2024 8:00:08 #8 |
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    junior member
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    Thank you for this, I will use it as my fallback if all else fails.

    | Wed 18 Sep 2024 12:44:48 #9 |

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