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Aura Not Playing Recordings

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    I've owned an Aura for more than 2 years, and all has been well.

    Over the past few weeks, I am experiencing a recurring issue in which recordings on the hard drive do not play. This is NOT a recording failure (due to power outage or reception issues), as it occurs both for new recordings and for historical recordings that have previously been watched.

    On selecting the recording to play, a blank screen appears, with the timer bar showing the correct duration for the recording, but the timer marker does not advance beyond the 0;00 point, even if I press fast forward.

    I've unplugged the box and rebooted, but this did not help.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not sur if a factory reset would fix this, but I'd prefer not to lose my recordings if they might eventually be playable.


    | Mon 18 Nov 2024 14:29:11 #1 |
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    Is this happening for all recordings or just recent recordings?

    If you are watching live TV can you still pause rewind and play the broadcast programme.

    When selecting a recording and automatic playback does not happen if you press the Up arrow above OK on the remote
    do you get the thumbnails of the recorded programme and are they populated with images. Can you then press the Right arrow to advance and on doing so does the recording now start at that selected thumbnail.
    Or with the thumbnails on the screen press the Down arrow to see the onscreen controls do any of these work to start the recording or advance or rewind.

    When you do a full power cycle, long press on the Power button, select OK on screen, the Aura will power down wait until the LED has completely gone out, now unplug the Aura. Wait at least 5 minutes.
    Now power up and make sure the Aura goes through the full start up.
    Should start with HUMAX displayed on screen, then the Android coloured graphics followed by a white revolving circle which on mine takes about 3 to 5 minutes before you see a live tv picture.

    If you think you have exhausted all possibilities then a Factory Reset is probably the next thing to try.
    Your recordings will be preserved.

    Is the hard drive on your Aura nearly full if so this could be the problem I would recommend having at least 10% free
    for the live broadcast buffer and any Aura housekeeping.

    | Mon 18 Nov 2024 15:56:38 #2 |
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    Many thanks, @vitaminD. Answers below:

    Is this happening for all recordings or just recent recordings?
    For all recordings. Now, even recordings that were part-way through viewing do not play, and cannot be moved forward/back

    If you are watching live TV can you still pause rewind and play the broadcast programme.
    Yes, this still works

    When selecting a recording and automatic playback does not happen if you press the Up arrow above OK on the remote
    do you get the thumbnails of the recorded programme and are they populated with images. Can you then press the Right arrow to advance and on doing so does the recording now start at that selected thumbnail.
    Nothing happens when I press the Up arrow

    Or with the thumbnails on the screen press the Down arrow to see the onscreen controls do any of these work to start the recording or advance or rewind.
    Thumbnails do not appear. On screen controls appear when the Down button is pressed, but these controls do not work when selected

    Hard drive is only 66% full. I will try the full power down next, as per your suggestion

    | Mon 18 Nov 2024 16:12:06 #3 |
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    I have been very disappointed by the Aura, constant issue of it taking a long time to turn on. You turn it on an you are sitting there for 30 seconds up to 2 minutes or more with no picture. The tv says no signal then seems to get a signal then says no signal. Eventually it comes on.
    I have tried it on more than 1 tv and the same.
    Sometimes get the grey screen too.
    I did a factory reset, made no difference
    Am a unrealistic to expect the box to be up and showing a picture in 15 seconds. You should not have to pray if u turn you box on just before a program starts.
    I did return on Aura to Humax but the replacement did the same. The replacement was "refurished".
    I wonder whether it is the hardware or the software but the aura does not seem fit for purpose.
    I had a few Humax before this an thought they were great but the aura has changed my view of Humax.
    I do like the app, so you can set recordings from your phone and the multiple tuners. But if it does not turn on quickly and reliably then it is no good

    | Wed 8 Jan 2025 15:07:14 #4 |
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    It is not unusual for modern devices to take up to two minutes to load after being powered up from cold.

    I take it you are powering up the Aura from cold rather than from standby.

    A short press on the power button on the remote will put the Aura into standby, press any key to take the Aura out of standby and it should wake almost immediately.

    Power up from cold the Aura should display the Humax logo which will then move onto loading the Android OS which takes about 45 - 60 seconds.
    After Android is loaded the Aura then loads the Auras own OS you should see the revolving circle this can take over a minute.

    Whilst powering up the Aura and the TV both perform a digital handshake to see if both devices are capable of
    receiving and sending data at the required speed, depending on which device is turned on first the handshake may be missed, resulting in either
    a blank screen or onscreen message. If this happens you may need to switch one of the devices off and on again.

    As you can see from the pages here and on other forums the Aura comes with a lot of baggage as Humax probably released it before it was really ready.
    The last major firmware/ software update was in Aug 2021 which addressed quite a few of the early faults but still left others unanswered.

    The are a couple of threads here which discuss the rumour that a further update is to be released 'early in the New Year' but this seems to only involve
    upgrading the Android OS which is all very well but I think Humax should be looking at ironing out the problems with its own OS.

    So we will just have to see what this update provides.

    | Wed 8 Jan 2025 17:05:39 #5 |
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    This is not a power up from cold.
    The box is on and in standby turned off and on from the remote control.
    You should not be waiting 2 minutes to see a picture when you turning on from the handset IMHO.
    Sometimes see a picture on 15 seconds, sometimes 2 minutes that is not right.
    I am not really caring about handshaking and OS start times I just want to see a picture in a reasonable amount of time when I hit the on button on the remote.
    I shall keep a log over the next few days of start times.
    The old humax never used to take this long to start up

    | Wed 8 Jan 2025 17:49:54 #6 |
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    Okay then the only people who can address your problem is Humax, give them a go.

    | Wed 8 Jan 2025 18:40:35 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Umberto - 1 day ago  » 
    Sometimes see a picture on 15 seconds, sometimes 2 minutes that is not right.

    Are you aware that one of the software updates introduced a forced start from cold once every four or five days which can take 2 minutes? My guess is this was done because of a memory leak which I assume has never been fixed.

    | Fri 10 Jan 2025 15:22:55 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle - 17 hours ago  » 

    Are you aware that one of the software updates introduced a forced start from cold once every four or five days which can take 2 minutes? My guess is this was done because of a memory leak which I assume has never been fixed.

    I wasn't aware of this. That might explain why I've been getting some cold starts recently. I thought it had gone back to the overnight crashing problem I had.

    | Sat 11 Jan 2025 8:47:12 #9 |

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