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Single Channel keeps freezing

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    The channel Dave is perpetually freezing for the last few days on my aura. The only way to unfreeze is to change channel and change back at which point it works again, sometimes for a few minutes only, then freezes again.

    Is there anything I can do without resetting the box? We have a lot of programmes saved I really don't want to lose.


    | Thu 8 Aug 2024 10:50:17 #1 |
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    Yes you can try reading this thread that is on the same subject, let us know if the factory reset suggested by Humax cures the issue and leaves your recordings untouched.

    | Thu 8 Aug 2024 11:15:21 #2 |
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    Hi, I had this kind of fault on my Aura with a recording from quest+1. It kept freezing, I could jump forward 2 minutes using the rh cursor button but it froze again.

    I checked signal strength on that channel and found less than 80%, this is with a 15db attenuator to reduce the very strong signal from the Winter Hill transmitter about 5 miles away. I've changed the attenuator to 10db which gives 90% signal strength which I think is optimum.

    It's worth checking the signal on the channel giving you problems, could point to an antenna fault or misalignment.

    | Mon 12 Aug 2024 17:47:53 #3 |
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    Most of the Com5 channels are behaving well at the moment including U&Dave though I expect that will change soon as the evening approaches. SkyArts is getting random black screen still and that gives a reading of 86% strength and 100% quality

    | Mon 12 Aug 2024 18:32:36 #4 |
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    | Mon 12 Aug 2024 19:45:04 #5 |
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    We have no signal issues - we're less than a mile with a clear sightline to the mast so the signal is very strong. This happened pretty much since the day Dave became U&Dave. I think it's to do with a change of some sort. It never works, it doesn't vary day to day.

    | Mon 12 Aug 2024 20:31:29 #6 |
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    Flipjango - 4 mins ago  » 
    We have no signal issues - we're less than a mile with a clear sightline to the mast so the signal is very strong. This happened pretty much since the day Dave became oblU&Dave. I think it's to do with a change of some sort. It never works, it doesn't vary day to day.

    Are you also getting problems with SkyMix, E4Xtra and SkyArts ? Did you read the Other thread I mentioned?

    | Mon 12 Aug 2024 20:42:06 #7 |
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    I don't use any of those channels so I have no idea I'm afraid.

    Yes I read the other thread mentioned. Still hoping to avoid a reset though as I'll lose all my saved passwords and apps so hoping it ends up being a known fault they will patch.

    | Mon 12 Aug 2024 20:46:13 #8 |
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    Flipjango - 1 hour ago  » 
    I don't use any of those channels so I have no idea I'm afraid.
    Yes I read the other thread mentioned. Still hoping to avoid a reset though as I'll lose all my saved passwords and apps so hoping it ends up being a known fault they will patch.

    I suspect Humax will not act until enough people tell them about the problem.

    | Mon 12 Aug 2024 22:28:52 #9 |
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    I have just had an email back from Humax Support which says they are aware of this problem with ARQ A group channels(COM5) intermitant freezing and they are looking into it. Just have to wait now and see what they do about it.

    | Tue 13 Aug 2024 10:19:13 #10 |

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