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Aura Remote Freeview button

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    I don't use the Freeview button since it just replicates the things that are on other pages and I can use other buttons to access them, but my wife uses it all the time. The problem is that it kept getting stuck down and made the remote unusable. A couple of times I eased it out again and told my wife not to use it, but usually within minutes she would tell me that the button had got stuck again! My Aura often did weird things and I am sure that part of the problem was the Freeview button being stuck.

    I had no option other than to fix the button. Cleaning the buttons with various solvents did not help. It appeared that the white Freeview button was too big for the hole in the remote. (I have had the remote for a couple of years, so maybe the white rubbery plastic expands over time?).

    So I decided to open up the remote. These remotes are expensive, so I was a bit apprehensive, Like most remote controls the case is snapped together rather than being screwed, so I had to put a plastic wedge in the small gap and eased it around until I could hear the clips unclipping. Eventually I managed to take it apart and give the insides a clean. (At this point, I put it back together and found that the button still stuck, so I had to take it apart again.) I then got some fine sandpaper and carefully sanded around the hole where the FreeView button appears.

    It's now been a month and the Freeview button has not got stuck again and my Aura has worked fine. So it is possible to open up the remote and do adjustments, but do it carefully!

    | Sun 17 Nov 2024 16:23:30 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    richard_dotnet - 1 hour ago  » 
    It's now been a month and the Freeview button has not got stuck again and my Aura has worked fine. So it is possible to open up the remote and do adjustments, but do it carefully!

    Thank you; that is a very helpful post.

    | Sun 17 Nov 2024 18:19:11 #2 |

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