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How to transfer programmes from old to new Humax??

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    new member
    Joined: Jan '25
    Posts: 1


    Hello, I have an old Humax box (YouView DTR T2000 500GB) with unwatched programmes on it. I have a new Humax box (Freeview HD Aura UHD 1TB), brand new Xmas present.
    How can I transfer the unwatched programmes from the old to the new box?
    If needed, I have a 32gb USB flash drive.
    Please keep it simple, I am not very techy!!!

    | Tue 14 Jan 2025 12:02:05 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 1,506


    Due to encryption transferring HD programmes will not be feasible.

    It may be a lot easier just to keep all the recordings on the DTR-T2000 and prioritise watching them so that you can ditch the the DTR-T2000 once they are all watched.

    For SD programmes there are technical methods to extract and play on some devices by removing the drive and using an HDD USB adapter to your PC, and using linux (which is easier than it may sound) or running software that can cope(!). The adapter will cost about £15 if you do not have one already. To access the removed HDD easily, use a downloaded live linux O/S from your USB and boot your pc to it. It will be possible to get the Aura to use VLC to play them from your USB flash drive, but although SD recordings are smaller than their HD equivalents 32GB isn't very much.

    | Tue 14 Jan 2025 21:08:33 #2 |

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