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Humax AURA USB 3 damaging my USB 3.1 sticks

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    Joined: Jan '25
    Posts: 1


    I have had a few Humax boxes over the years and added the Aura model to improve usability.
    I love the Aura despite its very buggy nature and overcome or live with most bugs.
    I watch a lot of films 4K,HD and currently use a 2TB Kingston removable SSD on the USB 3 Port to play them back.
    I prefer USB rather than streaming from my PC's as they are often off at night.

    The issue is that since I started using the Aura via VLC to play films off my Patriot 1 Tb Rage pendrives both of them became unstable and were not being recognised by my Win 10 PC without effort and started behaving like they were USB 2 with 40mb/s transfer speeds.

    I was a programmer in my working life so USB ejection is something I adhere to.
    I recently switched to a new 2TB Kingston removable ssd and that very soon started showing odd behaviour on the PC's but not as serious.
    All My USB sticks/drives are UASP and USB 3.1 compliant.
    The pen-drives were about 50% full and after reformatting (NTFS preferred), then repartitioning and trying every trick I new to get tham back to normal.
    They still work ok on the Aura and play films back.

    I used to use my Panasonic dp-ub9000 which never had these issues over a number of years.
    But the Aura USB play back and all its codec support and subs support on the Aura worked much better.

    Is leaving the Pen-drive attached to the Aura causing damage even when its not running. I don't record from the Aura via USB just its internal HDD.
    I don't use deep standby as it had start-up issues on my rig.
    The second pendrive is only a month old and has not been "worn out" by file transfers.
    So what is going on?

    | Mon 27 Jan 2025 17:41:59 #1 |

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