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Failing to stream from Humax Aura to Android TV

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    I have recently purchased a Sony Android TV, replacing many functions of our Humax Aura 2TB box. The box has been moved to support a different TV but has numerous recordings that we would like to stream to our new TV. However, I cannot achieve this.

    It is worth noting that all our TVs and TV boxes are connected by Ethernet via an Asus GT-AX11000 router.

    I have followed instruction for the Humax to ensure that recordings are shareable. I have succeeded in detecting the Aura server on Windows PCs and can copy and paste media files. However they transfer at a glacially slow pace. Worse still, the Android TV cannot detect the Aura server even though I have installed Kodi to enable it. Kodi fails to detect it via SMB or UPnP. I have used the FTP server credentials to configure Kodi, but it cannot be accessed. I am used to configuring Kodi as an FTP client because I used to keep media on Livedrive. This time I am totally flummoxed.

    I have read previous discussions of the Aura server issues, but none of the remedies suggested seem to match my problem. Others have succeed in streaming via UPnP, FTP and SMB. Why can't I?


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    | Wed 18 Sep 2024 16:57:02 #1 |
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    Try installing VLC app on android tv and use that

    | Wed 18 Sep 2024 18:26:49 #2 |
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    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I have now installed VLC for Android.

    Initially, the Aura 4K Media Server didn't appear, but after a reboot it appeared as a UPnP device. It streams recorded and live TV programmes. THANK YOU!

    Now I am fiddling with bitrate and frame rate to get the best service and resolution.

    I see that aura doesn't show up via SMB, but I guess that doesn't matter. Neither does it show up as FTP. I tried adding FTP using the aura details but couldn't get it to work. In doing so, all other servers on my system disappeared anyway, so I had to start again by reinstalling VLC.

    Have you tried applying FTP? Did it work and, if so, did you use port 21 or 2323?

    | Wed 18 Sep 2024 22:39:49 #3 |

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