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FVP4000T occasionally showing "No Recordings" on s

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    When I bring my FVP4000T out of standby to view something recorded, it will occasionally tell me "No Recordings". Doing a power off (unplug the mains) reset usually cures it but it's very frustrating and b****y annoying.
    Could this be a disk not spinning up quite fast enough? I'm prett sure the firmware is at the latest iteration but could it still be that?

    | Mon 6 Sep 2021 20:21:27 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Fluffykins - 1 hour ago  » 
    Could this be a disk not spinning up quite fast enough? I'm prett sure the firmware is at the latest iteration but could it still be that?

    I see this from time to time if I press the button to show the list of recordings soon after coming out of standby. My solution is to do nothing and after 10 seconds or so the "No recordings" message disappears and is replaced by the list of recordings.

    | Mon 6 Sep 2021 21:38:54 #2 |
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    OK. Thanks. I'll give that a try and see if it helps.

    | Mon 6 Sep 2021 21:53:54 #3 |
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    Presumably as a result of the same fault/feature I had something similar this morning on my 5000T. Found a list of one recording (there should have been over 350). The recording had failed. Turns out the Humax had switched on and crashed when the recording started. For some reason it didn't recognise the disk when it rebooted. When I looked at the Humax it had greyed out menu items. After investigating a bit I found it was reporting there was no disk. (I suspected as much when I couldn't hear the disk access which is rather noisy). A quick complete power cycle and restart managed to recognise the disk. All 350 odd programmes were listed, but not the failed one.
    Like Martin I've had many "No recordings" messages that resolve themselves after a few seconds. But, if all else fails - like above, I resort to a complete power down.

    | Tue 7 Sep 2021 10:19:24 #4 |
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    I have had this also but did a reboot and it fixed it, but then needed to redo a channel setup and delete the ones I don't use, I shall try just a power down next time. this has started from the software update from Jan 2021.

    | Wed 8 Sep 2021 6:21:08 #5 |
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    When it comes out of standby it uses lots of CPU cycles? memory bandwidth> disk I/O? to get itself working and there isn't enough left to set up the file system to show the recordings.

    It isn't a bug - it's just a slow start.

    Wait a few seconds and the recordings will always appear.

    | Thu 14 Oct 2021 20:56:11 #6 |

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