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FVP4000T Picture Sharpness Control

(26 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Marius - 11 hours ago  » 
    I'm often astonished at the extent and detail of your knowledge, grahamlthompson, but who would have guessed that one could actually end up with a worse picture on a 4K TV?
    I'll certainly remember your advice when I finally have to replace my ageing but much-loved Panasonic.
    I can't believe we're not paying you!

    | Tue 17 Jul 2018 9:04:57 #11 |
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    I have a 4K 48" Samsung. The Humax 1000S outputs at 1080P. On HD channels the picture is stunningly good. I often think on BBC HD wildlife broadcasts, WOW! that looks good. On SD channels, across the board, the picture is perfectly acceptable, I have never looked at it and thought, that looks soft. I also have 2 x Panasonic 1080P sets, I prefer the Samsung 4K. Would I go back to a lesser spec TV? No.

    | Tue 17 Jul 2018 9:32:57 #12 |
  3. graham uk

    graham uk

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    grahamlthompson. 43XE8005 selecting a good transmission example BBC1 HD
    the TV picture is very good, selecting the same HD channel on the 4000T
    produces a picture little on the soft side ie lacks definition.
    All HDMI inputs are set up correctly.
    As stated we have 2 more HD TV's and Humax connected to each one produces the same soft results.
    An added option on the Humax of tweaking the sharpness would solve the problem, after all it's just a TV without a screen.

    | Tue 17 Jul 2018 19:09:53 #13 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    graham uk - 22 minutes ago  » 
    grahamlthompson. 43XE8005 selecting a good transmission example BBC1 HD
    the TV picture is very good, selecting the same HD channel on the 4000T
    produces a picture little on the soft side ie lacks definition.
    All HDMI inputs are set up correctly.
    As stated we have 2 more HD TV's and Humax connected to each one produces the same soft results.
    An added option on the Humax of tweaking the sharpness would solve the problem, after all it's just a TV without a screen.

    There is no difference at all on my Panasonic TV (top of the Full-HD range) with the built in Freesat and Freeview Tuners and my HDR-1000S and FVP-5000T boxes. Pictures from the much older Foxsat-HDR direct to the TV are certainly a tad soft. There is no such thing as a correctly setup HDMI port. There are dozens of settings that can be altered.

    Also there are lots of ways of sharpening a digital image Photoshop has loads of options.


    Try searching for the best advanced calibration settings for your TV.

    I will try and get some photos of the dozens of options on a quality display.

    There's no way that you will get such a crude adjustment implemented on the box.

    | Tue 17 Jul 2018 19:41:43 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Just had time to do a little research, found this.

    | Tue 17 Jul 2018 21:33:01 #15 |
  6. graham uk

    graham uk

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    grahamlthompson Thank you for the video picture setup links which I had previously view. Sony also sent me a setup picture listing.
    When I stated HDMI's are correctly set I mean they are individually set for each different hardware connected.

    Iv'e bee using Photoshop for past 20 years and use it weekly.

    All this does not solve the issue of 4000T producing soft picture output.
    To put it into perceptive I have 20/20 vision (recent eye test) so possibly I'm more critical.

    | Wed 18 Jul 2018 7:17:35 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    I had my annual eye-test yesterday. I also have 20-20 vision with my prescription not changed in 3 yrs. No problem reading the bottom line and the smallest print.

    It's possible your 4000T may be faulty. As others have said the picture quality is usually superb given a good source. Sometimes content is deliberately soft and has grain added in order to give a filmic effect.

    I find the studio shows like Pointless are always pin sharp.

    Until you have a 1:1 source to destination pixel match, the scaling from 1920 x 1080 to 3840 x 2160 is bound to introduce picture artefacts.

    If you get close enough to the screen these should be visible compared to a 1920 x 1080 display where no scaling is required.

    | Wed 18 Jul 2018 8:15:44 #17 |
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    graham uk - 14 hours ago  » ...An added option on the Humax of tweaking the sharpness would solve the problem, after all it's just a TV without a screen.

    By all means contact Humax with that request, but I sincerely wish you good luck with that one. Over the past 6 years there have been multiple users expressing irritation with features of the Humax STBs. Humax simply ignore them and go their own way. In contrast I Googled "Humax soft picture" and, other than your post, got no results in the past 6 years for any of the G2 products.

    | Wed 18 Jul 2018 9:45:22 #18 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    graham uk - 4 hours ago  » 
    To put it into perceptive I have 20/20 vision (recent eye test) so possibly I'm more critical.

    Please could you just confirm what output resolution setting the FVP-4000T is using?

    | Wed 18 Jul 2018 11:25:39 #19 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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