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Getting recordings to play back elsewhere

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    I'm new to the FVP 5000T so I am just getting used to all the facilities having moved over from a DVR FOX-T2 with customised firmware.

    Everything seems good but I have so far been unable to play any recordings on any other device apart from via the app on Android. I have the Samba and FTP servers on and am able to browse and download files but I have not been able to get these to play.

    Presumably this is caused by some encryption which is making the TS files unplayable. I did not expect HD files to work but I thought SD and audio only recordings would play.

    I know the customised firmware used to decrypt files to make them playable but I thought if I used ftp it was supposed to do this on the fly but I guess I was wrong. What method CAN be used to extract an SD file such that it can be played on (e.g.) Windows?

    I have a radio recording (last week's Hitchhikers from Radio 4) and I wanted to extract the mp3 so that I can play it offline but it seems that the transport steam cannot be demuxed. I can't even use DLNA to play it as audio only files don't seem to show up on there.

    Any useful tips in this area? I can't really see the point of the Samba and FTP servers if the files can't be played elsewhere so I guess I must be doing something wrong.

    Thanks in advance.

    | Mon 26 Mar 2018 14:48:09 #1 |
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    Yeah, I read that but it doesn't answer the question. I don't expect HD files to work (long time FOX-T2 user) and the thread linked suggests SD files should work if extracted via ftp - "Copying or streaming SD files decrypts the content." I can't get them to work at all via ftp or samba and I can't stream a radio programme via DNLA as it doesn't show in the list.

    Do I have to use a USB drive in the device itself to copy the files and if I do will the copies be playable elsewhere or only if I copy back to the machine later? Seems like a pointless exercise (apart from backup) if the latter is true.

    | Tue 27 Mar 2018 12:41:56 #3 |
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    Same for me. Also a long time Fox-T2 user. Have finally managed to get my new fvp-5000t to appear in my Network Locations. Have Copy and pasted, and tried Drag and dropped (LOL, also Hitchhiker's) to my pc. It's still encrypted. VLC won't play it. Opened it in Audacity and it sounds like a lot of static.

    This is via samba. Haven't tried ftp.

    Too tired right now to search further as to what I'm doing wrong or haven't turned on!

    EDIT: The mpeg files seem to play ok. Have found one mp3 that will play on windows media player, but doesn't play on VLC or audacity (screech!). But not all mp3 will play through WMP. I have played the original on the FVP-5000T and it plays on the tv so it wasn't a broken recording initially. (I have in the past, used audacity to chop off the start and end of radio recordings so I'm just left with the bit I want)

    | Wed 9 May 2018 22:08:05 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    I'll review the FAQ when I get a moment, suspect something has changed with subsequent updates to software.

    | Thu 10 May 2018 9:00:59 #5 |
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    Sor - 1 day ago  » 
    Same for me. Also a long time Fox-T2 user. Have finally managed to get my new fvp-5000t to appear in my Network Locations. Have Copy and pasted, and tried Drag and dropped (LOL, also Hitchhiker's) to my pc. It's still encrypted. VLC won't play it. Opened it in Audacity and it sounds like a lot of static.
    This is via samba. Haven't tried ftp.
    Too tired right now to search further as to what I'm doing wrong or haven't turned on!

    EDIT: The mpeg files seem to play ok. Have found one mp3 that will play on windows media player, but doesn't play on VLC or audacity (screech!). But not all mp3 will play through WMP. I have played the original on the FVP-5000T and it plays on the tv so it wasn't a broken recording initially. (I have in the past, used audacity to chop off the start and end of radio recordings so I'm just left with the bit I want)

    I am using windows10 and it plays ts files the apps films & Tv and on media player

    | Fri 11 May 2018 9:56:14 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Sor - 1 day ago  » 
    Same for me. Also a long time Fox-T2 user. Have finally managed to get my new fvp-5000t to appear in my Network Locations. Have Copy and pasted, and tried Drag and dropped (LOL, also Hitchhiker's) to my pc. It's still encrypted. VLC won't play it. Opened it in Audacity and it sounds like a lot of static.
    This is via samba. Haven't tried ftp.
    Too tired right now to search further as to what I'm doing wrong or haven't turned on!
    EDIT: The mpeg files seem to play ok. Have found one mp3 that will play on windows media player, but doesn't play on VLC or audacity (screech!). But not all mp3 will play through WMP. I have played the original on the FVP-5000T and it plays on the tv so it wasn't a broken recording initially. (I have in the past, used audacity to chop off the start and end of radio recordings so I'm just left with the bit I want)

    Try changing the file extension on the audio recordings from .mp3 to .mp2 (the files are actually mpeg 1 layer 2). Some media player software will cope others don't work.

    | Fri 11 May 2018 10:52:45 #7 |
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    I suspect the problem here is related to the version of Windows being used, as per the updated FAQ, to copy the files by Samba you need to be running Windows 8 or 10 which has the updated SMB server which supports file encryption/decryption. The TS files should then play in Windows Media Player without any problem, assuming you have the basic codecs installed.

    Windows 7 (and earlier) can map to the directories on the FVP-4000T/5000T as network locations and the files can be copied but they will remain encrypted. SMB3.0 is unlikely to be made available for Windows 7, but this does not stop you from streaming the recordings from the Humax to a Windows 7 machine through Windows Media Player or to a Linux Kodi box as the decryption then occurs within the Humax media server.

    | Thu 31 May 2018 19:38:27 #8 |
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    Thank you grahamlthompson

    Simply changing the extension to .mp2 seems to let the audio play, at least in VLC and windows media player.

    In audacity - can't drag and drop the file, be it the transferred mp3 or the changed extension mp2. Need to IMPORT the transferred mp3 file. Importing it as mp2 just gives noise. Then EXPORT AUDIO to save the new file in whatever format.

    I'm using windows 10 with latest updates.

    | Mon 11 Jun 2018 23:05:29 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Sor - 9 hours ago  » 
    Thank you grahamlthompson
    Simply changing the extension to .mp2 seems to let the audio play, at least in VLC and windows media player.
    In audacity - can't drag and drop the file, be it the transferred mp3 or the changed extension mp2. Need to IMPORT the transferred mp3 file. Importing it as mp2 just gives noise. Then EXPORT AUDIO to save the new file in whatever format.
    I'm using windows 10 with latest updates.

    Try using VLC to convert the file to mpeg 1 layer 3.

    | Tue 12 Jun 2018 8:38:48 #10 |

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