I'm new to the FVP 5000T so I am just getting used to all the facilities having moved over from a DVR FOX-T2 with customised firmware.
Everything seems good but I have so far been unable to play any recordings on any other device apart from via the app on Android. I have the Samba and FTP servers on and am able to browse and download files but I have not been able to get these to play.
Presumably this is caused by some encryption which is making the TS files unplayable. I did not expect HD files to work but I thought SD and audio only recordings would play.
I know the customised firmware used to decrypt files to make them playable but I thought if I used ftp it was supposed to do this on the fly but I guess I was wrong. What method CAN be used to extract an SD file such that it can be played on (e.g.) Windows?
I have a radio recording (last week's Hitchhikers from Radio 4) and I wanted to extract the mp3 so that I can play it offline but it seems that the transport steam cannot be demuxed. I can't even use DLNA to play it as audio only files don't seem to show up on there.
Any useful tips in this area? I can't really see the point of the Samba and FTP servers if the files can't be played elsewhere so I guess I must be doing something wrong.
Thanks in advance.