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Ghost programme setting

(4 posts)
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    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 48


    I have a strange one. For the last few months my recorder has set a series of programmes that I don’t want to record. Whenever I delete it it resets it. After several days of doing this it stops but, within a day or two it then starts recording a different series. I wondered if doing a factory reset might fix it but all my current recordings and programming would be lost.

    | Thu 20 Apr 2023 21:30:47 #1 |
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    special member
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    Hello Calomax,

    Welcome to the forum. Resetting PVR will not lose your recordings, but hopefully refresh your box. It picks up bugs, plus data errors from broadcasters from time to time. But you could also undelete all your schedules via my recordings/planned menu or better still retune all channels, but remember to make a note of schedules as these are cleared when retuning. If you reset box, you will also need to re-enter app passwords and adjust any menu settings, but very easy to do. Becomes a regular feature with pvrs! John L

    | Fri 21 Apr 2023 10:07:13 #2 |
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    Posts: 48


    Thank you John, I’m not sure what you mean by undelete my schedules. The problem I have is that a random series set to record will appear so I delete it from my planned list then, while we’re watching something new it comes up on the screen as having been remotely set. It will do that for several days then start doing the same with a different programme. Today it isn’t happening but I’ll probably decide to reset if it starts again.

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 20:54:45 #3 |
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    Undelete is simple: you go into your planned schedule and CANCEL recording planned (I used the wrong word to explain). I do it all the time when there is an error. Have another look and you will see what I mean. With regards remote set, I don't use the feature much, but again, just reset app and redo schedule. It should work, if not, don't use the app for that particular series link. John L

    | Sun 23 Apr 2023 9:40:36 #4 |

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