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Glitchy Freesat HDR 1100S

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    Hi, my HDR 1100S is four years old now. It's getting glitchy - sometimes the TV guide and Recordings page goes tiny, from full screen to 1/4 screen, top left. Sometimes it tells me there is no signal on some channels. Both of these faults can be fixed by turning the box off at the plug, then starting up again.

    It's not the satellite dish or connections, I had all those renewed recently.

    So, I want to try a reset to factory settings, but I don't want to loose my recordings. On older Humax boxes there was a check box to reformat the hard drive - is there one on the Freesat HDR 2100S? I'm scared of just trying.

    Or, am I going down the wrong road entirely? Is it old age?

    Thanks for reading. I look forward to your advice.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2020 14:39:25 #1 |


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    First can you confirm that it is a HDR 1100S that you have as I have never heard of the model you posted.

    The small picture could be down to a sync mismatch with the TV.

    Assuming it is the HDR 1100S the factory reset does not format the hard-drive, these is a separate menu item for that.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2020 14:53:17 #2 |
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    Great. Thanks, that's what I needed to know.
    Edited the model number - you're right it was a typo.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2020 15:10:53 #3 |
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    special member
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    I've had small/multiple screens with HDR-1100S and FVP-5000T and it's a sync problem, usually goes away on its own.

    | Wed 12 Aug 2020 14:42:24 #4 |

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