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Green Screen

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    Joined: Oct '16
    Posts: 48


    My old and faithful Fox T2/HD has started green screening. Twice this morning, the first time I managed to kick it into life by turning it off and then on. Second time I connected it to another TV where it worked I reset it and the connected it back to the original TV where it again worked. It seems to green screen more and more often these days.
    The TV is a brand new Samsung UE55KU6000 55" 4K Ultra HD HDR and also tried different cables but I feel it is coming to the end of it's life.

    Would a Humax DTR-T2100 500GB be a reasonable replacement?

    | Fri 7 Oct 2016 9:48:19 #1 |
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    I had a similar problem with a Humax HDR Fox-T2 and a Sony Bravia TV, where the problem was getting steadily worse over a period of months, up to the point of getting a green screen nearly every time. Like you, this led me to the conclusion that the box was dying. This seemed to be confirmed as a HD Fox-T2 (the single tuner version) worked fine every time with the same TV.

    After trying every trick in the book in order to solve the problem,I persuaded Humax that the box was faulty and they agreed to a replacement. However, before this could be arranged. due to a household re-arrangement, the Sony was replaced with a new Panasonic Viera and the Sony/HD Fox-T2 combination relocated elsewhere. The problem went away completely and three years later, it has never happened again on either set up.

    I suspect that the root cause of the problem is down to marginal timing in the handshake protocol, making it a matter of luck whether particular combinations work together reliably or not. This may explain the intermittent malfunction and why some people have problems and others not, even if they are using using the same equipment

    I realise that this probably doesn't help you and unfortunately I can't comment on the DTR-T2100 500GB as I have no experience with this model.

    | Sun 9 Oct 2016 19:30:27 #2 |
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    MrFraggle - 2 days ago  » 
    Would a Humax DTR-T2100 500GB be a reasonable replacement?

    That would depend on what features of the HDR-FOX T2 you use and want to retain in a replacement. I have both and for me the HDR-FOX T2 rules and the youview is just kept as a curiosity, but I use bookmarking, archiving, custom firmware for mixing padding/AR, manual tuning and a some other features which none of them are essentials for me but they do all add up.

    | Sun 9 Oct 2016 19:46:46 #3 |
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    Joined: Oct '16
    Posts: 48


    Thanks both for your responses. I have decided to replace the T2 as it is now getting a bit temperamental about which channels it will allow me to watch. I have not long had a new roof aerial fitted so know the issue is not there and the T2 was getting all channels prior to this but has now decided that some HD channels and others will not show.

    So will keep the T2 as a back up or bung it to the older 32" TV in the spare bedroom.

    | Mon 10 Oct 2016 9:40:26 #4 |

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