My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S


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    Hi all. New to the forum. We live in south west France, we have a humax HDR1100, 80cm dish (I know this is too small for this area). We get good reception at times and sometimes we lose channels being so far south with a small dish. Lately it has been dropping out and coming back a few seconds or minutes later. Signal strength and quality can go from good to zero in a second then come right back. Is this just dish size or maybe a dodgy lmb? Thanks

    | Sun 1 Nov 2020 22:14:30 #1 |
  2. FenderBender


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 974


    Hi and welcome to the forums. I've moved your post to the HDR1100 section to ensure your question is picked up.

    | Mon 2 Nov 2020 10:29:49 #2 |


    special member
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    Can you post your postcode or commune please. I am in 32460 with a 100cm dish.

    | Mon 2 Nov 2020 11:21:43 #3 |
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    32450 Faget Abbatial. Pretty close in satellite beam terms. How good is your reception with 100cms?

    | Mon 2 Nov 2020 15:53:55 #4 |


    special member
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    Ahh just east of Auch. I aligned it with a professional meter which I happen to have. I am in Perchede.

    Normal use with rain, no problems.
    Heavy rain of storms cause problems especially on HD, SD still receivable up to 'all hell breaking loose' weather.

    So satisfactory. If I were buying a new dish I would go for 110cm.

    We have applied for out Brexit cards for if you had a dish you wonted checking when we visit the prefecture that would be possible.

    | Mon 2 Nov 2020 17:02:02 #5 |
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    new member
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    Hi, i could definitely use a proper check of the alignment if you wouldn't mind coming here when you are Auch for your carte de sejour. I will PM you my phone number, thanks

    | Mon 2 Nov 2020 17:35:35 #6 |

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