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Happy 1st Birthday ... But Not For Us Users

(8 posts)
  1. davidrew


    special member
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    I thought I would wish the last released software/firmware update from Aug 5th 2021 a Happy 1st Birthday.

    I wonder what Humax have been doing for 12 months, and if we are ever going to see any of the outstanding bugs fixed or enhancement requests implemented?

    We wait in hope I suppose .........

    | Fri 5 Aug 2022 11:43:34 #1 |
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    They’ve probably given up on this and planning their new unit

    | Fri 5 Aug 2022 19:51:19 #2 |
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    Super sad. Humax have had some great products and the Aura had so much potential.

    Rather than developing something new, I am wondering if Humax actually have any developers left?

    | Sun 7 Aug 2022 22:35:33 #3 |
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    It's ruined their reputation for me I won't be buying any Humax products as they clearly do not care about it's customers or any form of reasonable level of customer service.

    | Mon 8 Aug 2022 12:28:28 #4 |
  5. The Moog

    The Moog

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    Posts: 44


    Exactly this...

    I'm not really sure what any new hardware would bring over the Aura, maybe it could be made a little faster with a newer processor, but all of the issues seem to be firmware/software related and (as noted by this thread) their has been a distinct lack of development of it over the past year.

    | Mon 8 Aug 2022 13:51:52 #5 |
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    It looks like Argos have given up on the Aura. The only Humax models listed on the Argos Web site now are the HDR-1800T and the FVP-5000T/500.

    | Mon 8 Aug 2022 15:34:22 #6 |
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    Totally agree. I was looking forward to great things from this as an 'upgrade' to my HDR-Fox T2 but it is a downgrade in so many ways. No option to file things away in folders, everything has to be in one long list, so can't separate my programs from wife's programs, joint programs, films etc. Cannot rename programs. No option to add markers to programs. Can't copy off directly on to USB memory, have to use FTP. Can't seamlessly view USB recordings made with HDR-Fox or copied off the Aura by FTP - have to use an independent app such as VLC. On-screen text still far to small for people with less than perfect vision even after the meagre 16% enhancement in the last update a year ago. Occasional pixelation glitches which I never got with the HDR-Fox, Response to play/pause buttons is sluggish, Hopelessly complicated user interface and poorly designed remote control which is very problematical for my highly intelligent but non-techie wife, for example it's far to easy to hit Prime Video or Kids when aiming for the play/pause button. The list goes on. Such a great opportunity wasted.

    | Tue 9 Aug 2022 9:17:06 #7 |
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    Joined: Jan '21
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    Only use mine now as a Plex streaming client in the bedroom. Never record from it or watch live tv.

    | Sat 27 Aug 2022 9:05:41 #8 |

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