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Hard drive problem?

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    I have recently bought a Humax 1100S freesat box on Ebay. The box has now lost all of our recordings so I suspect the HDD is on the blink unfortunately.
    I have a Humax 1800 T freeview box in working order.
    Is it possible to use the HDD from this box in the 1100S?

    | Sat 28 Sep 2024 16:36:51 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    pshe63 - 6 hours ago  » 
    I have recently bought a Humax 1100S freesat box on Ebay. The box has now lost all of our recordings so I suspect the HDD is on the blink unfortunately.

    There is a well known problem with the HDR 1100S that causes a loss of communication between the motherboard and the hard drive. You need to test the hard drive to see if it is faulty or it is the loss of communication problem.

    I have a Humax 1800 T freeview box in working order.
    Is it possible to use the HDD from this box in the 1100S?

    I think the 1800T will have a 2.5" drive whereas the 1100S will have a 3.5" drive so you it isn't a straightforward swap.

    | Sat 28 Sep 2024 22:41:57 #2 |
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    Thanks for your reply.

    Is there a way of testing the communication between the motherboard and the hard drive?

    | Sat 28 Sep 2024 22:52:07 #3 |
  4. dd500


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    This morning my HDR1100s popped up with a message saying the hard drive needs formatting so I clicked the button thinking it would go onto another page to give further information but it immediately started to format the hd without any warning. It was very annoying as I had a lot of programs stored on it. I did notice while it was supposedly formatting it said a size of 0? Anyway I opened the box and found the connection between the motherboard and the hard drive to be very weak (flimsy). (There is no cable, the hd just plugs directly to the motherboard, I don't know if the flimsy connection is typical on all the 1100s boxes? I did spray the contacts with electrical contact cleaner just to be thorough..

    I removed the hard drive and plugged it into my laptop running linux and ran a hd test, the hd was perfect but there were no programs left on it.
    I am guessing the problem was down to the flimsy connection as the hd tested OK.
    The hd is now back in the box and all is working OK, If it happens again I wont format it, i'll check the hd and connectors first.

    @pshe63 ref the hd swap, both the 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch drives have the same sata connector so yes you can put a 2.5 hd inside it's just a matter of securing it in place because the skew holes for the 3.5 are obviously different.
    I know this works as I have done this with other receivers.

    Maybe you should first check the connectors and check the hard drive but to check the hard drive you'll need linux or if you use windows you'll need some third party software because the hd is formatted ext3 which is a common linux partition.

    Maybe its easiest just boot with a linux distro on usb which will allow you to test the disk and actually view the contents.

    | Wed 6 Nov 2024 16:38:01 #4 |

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