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Hard drive size

(4 posts)
  1. gammyleggs


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    Hi All.
    Does anyone know what is the biggest size hard drive a 9300T can take ?

    | Sun 13 May 2012 23:00:18 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    gammyleggs - 9 hours ago  » 
    Does anyone know what is the biggest size hard drive a 9300T can take ?

    I don't know if anybody has found an upper limit but there have been reports of people fitting 1TB drives. However the maximum number of recordings you can store is limied to 511 regardless of the size of the drive.

    | Mon 14 May 2012 8:56:20 #2 |
  3. gammyleggs


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    [/the maximum number of recordings you can store is limied to 511]

    Thanks for your reply, could you explain why the limit is 511 please ?
    Since my initial posting I have been experimenting, my 9300T was a 320GB from new.
    Tried a 500GB with no problem, but as Humax now make a 500Gig thats no suprise.
    A 750GB seemed ok to start with but showed signs of instability when very "busy".
    A 1TB just kept on crashing the box and re-booting it.
    So the next question is, does the hard drive have to be a specific type or is a standard PC drive compatable?
    All the drive sizes I tried showed up correctly in the menu.
    The 500Gb is a Segate Pipeline .2.
    The 750Gb is a Segate Barracuda ES.
    and the 1TB is a Western digital WD10EADS.

    | Mon 14 May 2012 22:37:05 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    gammyleggs - 52 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for your reply, could you explain why the limit is 511 please ?

    It is how the proprietary file system is configured.

    So the next question is, does the hard drive have to be a specific type or is a standard PC drive compatable?

    The drives fitted as standard comply with the CE standard for video recording drives. The hardware is the same as normal PC drives but the firmware is modified in various ways eg performance is optimised at the expense of error correction.
    A standard PC drive might be expected to give some stuttering on playback if it encounters marginal sectors.

    | Mon 14 May 2012 23:34:27 #4 |

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