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Has AR coding been changed recently?

(3 posts)
  1. Biggles


    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 619


    Has AR coding been changed recently?

    Over the last couple of weeks my 9200 has failed to record several (but not all) episodes of Emmerdale and Corro, I think (but not totally sure) when the machine has been in STANDBY. The machine wakes up 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the recording as expected but then fails to start recording and continues in the 'waiting' state until I switch it ON then OFF which then puts it back into proper STANDBY. I did notice the last F1 wasn't recording but then started recording when I switched to channel although this is a problem that has been reported many times before. Obviously I've done all the usual remedies. My 9200 is usually very reliable at recording so I was hoping someone could answer my highlighted question above.

    | Thu 13 Aug 2015 20:43:18 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    No knowledge - but with the changes being made to D3&4 to accommodate ITV 4 it is feasible that something has gone awry?

    | Fri 14 Aug 2015 9:44:09 #2 |
  3. Biggles


    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 619


    Thanks Barry, I'll see how it goes. Doesn't appear to be affecting my friend's 9300 on a different transmitter.

    | Fri 14 Aug 2015 16:20:31 #3 |

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