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Has there been any hardware revisions to the aura?

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    I am getting a second aura tomorrow and was wondering weather there have been any revisions to it since it first came out?

    The new one is for the bedroom, but I was thinking if the unit has any improvement since I first got my original one when it got released, I might be best putting the new one in the living room as will be the main unit that gets used the most.

    Or do you think I'm not going to see any difference at all, so probably easier so just put new one in bedroom and leave the original where it is?

    There's some episodes I would want to move over as well if I was swapping them.
    would it be a good idea to get the backup settings file and transfer it and restore on the new box?


    | Wed 19 Jul 2023 23:14:05 #1 |
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    Apart from the flurry of firmware updates in the early days I am not aware of any other changes.

    Not sure you can transfer any recordings from one to the other if they are HD as the encryption code is tied to the individual unit. Not sure about using a back up of settings from another box either, not sure if that would work, but I am no expert.

    Our old FVP-4000 finally packed up in the bedroom last month and I was going to buy another Aura to replace it, but then I realised that the TV can record to an external hard drive, so I bout a 250GB USB SSD for £24 and it works fine for the few recordings we do upstairs.

    | Thu 20 Jul 2023 9:50:32 #2 |
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    Ask, I had backed up the recordings via the ftp server to my pc, I was going to just drop them back in the new box in the upload box. I assumed that would work, but not got it yet to try.
    do you think that won't work? Most are in HD.


    | Thu 20 Jul 2023 9:55:20 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    james_uk - 2 hours ago  » 
    Ask, I had backed up the recordings via the ftp server to my pc, I was going to just drop them back in the new box in the upload box. I assumed that would work, but not got it yet to try.
    do you think that won't work? Most are in HD.

    It definitely won't work on HD recordings because of encryption.

    | Thu 20 Jul 2023 12:01:16 #4 |
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    Cheers guys, will save me trying then I guess.

    | Thu 20 Jul 2023 12:18:02 #5 |

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