My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

hb-1000s issues

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    I've ran into a bit of trouble with my humax hb-1000s. It keeps putting itself into standby and on start-up cycles through the boot up several times (keeps flickering and going back to the Humax screen a few times before eventually finishing booting). I was wondering if this is a known issue (and what could fix the bug if so)? Has anyone had similar issues and managed to fix it?

    I've had a look through the forums and can't see anything similar really but it's completely unwatchable at the moment and the time between it randomly turning itself off can be a matter of minutes.

    Is there any information on how to re-format these boxes? I've tried restoring factory setting several times and unplugged from the mains for an extended period etc. but the faulty seems to persist. I'd like to try to wipe it and start again and see if that fixes things.

    I did contact support and their advice was to restore factory default or try forcing a software update to the latest version but the Humax box is not even recognising USB devices (have tried several, including one which worked fine previously).

    Is it time to send it to the big electronic bin in the sky?


    | Tue 6 Feb 2024 10:44:11 #1 |
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    Looks like it's for the bin then!

    | Wed 14 Feb 2024 11:42:42 #2 |
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    Hi Paul_j,

    Welcome to the forum. Why the bin? Just needs a bit of patience. Do you mean the HDR1000s model? The hb model doesn't have a hard drive. The Hdr1000s model had loads of problems with hard drive, Humax even replaced mine with the newer 1100s model. You could send it for repair if you are unable to solve fault. Details can be found on Humax forum.

    Have you tried disconnecting hard drive and testing to see if box stops rebooting? It could be a faulty hard drive or box overheating. Again, there are many tips and solutions on Humax forum. Hope you get it resolved before you bin it. John L

    | Wed 14 Feb 2024 21:39:31 #3 |
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    Hi Paul_j,

    Welcome to the forum. Why the bin? Just needs a bit of patience. Do you mean the HDR1000s model? The hb model doesn't have a hard drive. The Hdr1000s model had loads of problems with hard drive, Humax even replaced mine with the newer 1100s model. You could send it for repair if you are unable to solve fault. Details can be found on Humax forum: "Humax Set-top Box Repair Booking"

    Have you tried disconnecting hard drive and testing to see if box stops rebooting? It could be a faulty hard drive or box overheating. Again, there are many tips and solutions on Humax forum. Hope you get it resolved before you bin it. John L

    | Wed 14 Feb 2024 21:41:23 #4 |
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    Hi John, thank you for the reply.
    I believe it is the HB and don't think it has a hard drive. I know I had to connect a separate external hard drive through the USB if I wanted to record anything.

    The Humax Support team suggested I try and find a local electronics place to repair it if restoring factory settings did not work so I wasn't aware that Humax offered a repair service themselves?

    | Thu 15 Feb 2024 10:14:51 #5 |
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    Hi pauly_j,

    Humax used to replace pvrs when faulty. Mine was replaced back in 2017. Now you have to send to independent repairer as per link or if you want to try . . . There is a solution on this forum somewhere regarding overheating issue. This might work for your Humax. When you mentioned rebooting, most issues are with internal hard drives. If yours has an external drive, try testing disconnected to see if this improves fault.

    My guess is cpu overheating and there is solution on forum or it will need repairing. Depending on cost, it might be more economical to obtain a good used PVR on eBay. Many reputable sellers out there, plus you can still obtain PVR hard drives. I changed one just before Christmas.

    Good luck. John L

    | Thu 15 Feb 2024 12:37:12 #6 |
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    Thanks John, yes I'm thinking if there is not a known issue/solution that I'd be better off just getting a new one.
    I don't have a hard drive for the box as I just use it for on-demand and freesat. It cost me £40 as a refurb about 8 years ago so it's had a good innings. I just hate throwing things away!

    | Thu 15 Feb 2024 12:55:37 #7 |

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