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Can I set record padding on my HB-1000S?
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Can I set record padding on my HB-1000S?
When the box isn't recording or about to record.
Settings - Preferences - Recording
Change start and end padding times from auto to whatever settings you want.
Thank You. Couldn't see the setting before as I was recording.
slug123uk - 2 hours ago »
Thank You. Couldn't see the setting before as I was recording.
You should be aware that there are some problems with using padding that are not obvious, especially from the major channels.
1 Accurate recording from the major channels is normally pretty reliable these days. Using Auto-Padding means that the box wakes up at the scheduled time adjusted by the time offset you chose. As a result the box wakes at the adjusted time (no broadcaster auto start and auto stop time).
2 Accurate recording wakes the box about 15 mins before the recording is due to watch for the recording is due. If the programne actual transnission falls outside the padding limits you will lose content.
3 You can set manual recording for those channels that do not due accurate recording control. by setting a manual recording with a repeat pattern with manual padding. Of course if the broadcaster changes the scheduled time you will lose some of or all the recording.
If the channel you want to record does not transmit the required accurate recording codes (CRID - content reference identifier) or the programme deviates from the epg scheduled times the problem is down to the broadcaster failing to transmit the codes that identify the start of the content you want to record.
Because the box wakes at the adjusted time rather than 15 mins before the scheduled time then there is no way the box can check for late changes from the scheduled time. During majpr sporting events it's a sure fire way of recording failures.
Add to that if you set contiguous recordings you can end up with conflicts that would not arise on auto. The padded end of one bridges into the padded start of the next. I gave up on padding because of that.
Thank guys.
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