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HD-Fox T2 not connecting to WI-FI

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    Martin Liddle

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    Barry - 3 minutes ago  » 
    1. Get you dongle replaced with another and hope for the best.
    2. Use the Humax one.

    Other options:
    3. Use a network bridge such as TP-Link TL-WR702N at Amazon
    4. Use Homeplug adaptors.

    | Thu 2 Jan 2014 11:57:28 #11 |
  2. MontysEvilTwin


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    The problems observed with the Edimax EW-7711UAN are caused by Edimax making minor changes to the settings stored in the eeprom of the dongle. These dongles are recognised by HD and HDR-Foxes, but no wireless networks are detected. The first example I came across had a 'Win 8 compatible' sticker on the box and an updated driver CD. If you try and use one of these dongles on a Windows PC with the old driver, it cannot detect networks, but works properly when the new driver is installed. This suggests that the eeprom changes are intentional: why they made these changes is not known. I have one of these 'non-functional' dongles and it came without the Win 8 sticker on the box and with the old driver CD: so the only way to know if one will work with your Humax is to plug it in.

    I have not heard of other versions of this dongle (e.g. the EW-7711UMN) having the same problem, but it may be safer to avoid new Edimax dongles.

    If you don't want to pay £25+ for an official Humax dongle, the Tenda W311U+ (the '+' version has a detachable antenna) is less than £10. I have been using one of these with a HDR-Fox for a few months now.

    | Thu 2 Jan 2014 22:12:05 #12 |
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    Bubba Ho-Tep

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    Would the Tenda W311U+ work just aswell on the HD fox t2 as it would the hdr fox t2, would obviously get it if it was going to save me money, thought i was doing that with the edimax.


    | Mon 6 Jan 2014 15:02:00 #13 |
  4. Barry


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    If it works on one it should work on other.

    | Mon 6 Jan 2014 17:37:14 #14 |
  5. MontysEvilTwin


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    As Barry said, it should work on both the HDR and HD-Fox models. Unless you get the Humax dongle there is no 100% certainty as manufacturers do change things (e.g. Edimax) and no one else is obliged to ensure compatibility with Humax products. I have the Tenda dongle and it is fine: I have not seen any reports of problems with this model to date.

    | Mon 6 Jan 2014 21:28:33 #15 |
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    Bubba Ho-Tep

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    thanks for all your help, will give it a go


    | Mon 6 Jan 2014 23:30:10 #16 |
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    I am using the Tenda W311+ and everything has been fine until I noticed yesterday that I couldn't access the TV Portal due to network connection.

    When checking the wi-fi settings my router is not within the list of networks. Have tried inputting manually but can't connect.

    I have a BT homehub - any suggestions please?

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 11:02:19 #17 |
  8. MontysEvilTwin


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    If you have lost the network, manually inputting the name won't help, this option is used when your router is set up not to broadcast the network id. Can you see the network on a laptop/ phone/ tablet when near to the Humax? Try rebooting your router first. Is the router's wireless channel set to automatic? If so it may have changed and often you get interference on some channels. I recommend manually changing the wireless channel on your router to see if you can get the network to reappear: if you get a good stable signal on a particular channel, set your router to this channel manually and disable auto-selection. Useful free tools are Inssider (windows) and WiFi analyser (android). These allow you to monitor the networks around you and see which channels are clear from competing networks.

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 11:32:37 #18 |
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    Bubba Ho-Tep

    Joined: Dec '13
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    I have the same problem as above, I also have a tenda for last month and been working fine. My TV portal was working fine earlier, went to turn it back on a few hours later and couldn't connect, when in menu I could see other routers in the area but not the one i've been using which is my neighbors WIFI and have his consent and don't particularly want to ask him to change whatever settings he has.

    As above it is also BT, Infinity I believe.

    Is there anyway of changing settings on the humax i.e restore factory settings etc as an alternative to asking my neighbor change his settings?

    Many thanks

    | Wed 5 Mar 2014 15:22:08 #19 |
  10. chrisdaniels


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    How do you know your neighbor hasn't just turned their wifi off or moved the router to a position in their house that doesn't allow it to reach you anymore? or set their SSID to hidden, or changed their router out for a different model?

    | Wed 5 Mar 2014 15:58:08 #20 |

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