My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

HDMI connection problem

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    I have an HDR2000T connected to my Sony KDL-32W5500 TV.
    It works fine with SCART connection. But picture is not at its best!
    When trying an HDMI connection, picture is very good, but only lasts for 10 seconds approx., then nothing!!
    Have tried 4 different HDMI sockets on TV.
    Have tried two different HDMI cables.
    Always same result!!
    Would welcome any suggestions.

    | Sat 25 May 2019 16:42:19 #1 |
  2. Trev


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    Completely unplug the SCART (sometimes SCART and HDMI interact. One switching off the other) and switch off CEC (automatic HDMI input switching) or whatever it's called on a Sony set and try that.

    | Sat 25 May 2019 17:28:23 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    judgemental45 - 50 minutes ago  » 
    When trying an HDMI connection, picture is very good, but only lasts for 10 seconds approx., then nothing!!

    Have you experimented with different Resolutions? (Menu button, Settings>Preferences>Video and then select Resolution.)

    Options are 576i - 576p - 720p - 1080i - 1080p

    | Sat 25 May 2019 17:36:21 #3 |
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    Thanks for your responses.
    Tried your suggestions - no improvement!!
    Thanks anyway.

    | Mon 27 May 2019 20:50:39 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    judgemental45 - 15 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for your responses.
    Tried your suggestions - no improvement!!
    Thanks anyway.

    Post Make of TV and model and if possible it's specification.

    eg HDready, HDReady1080p. If HDReady- change to 1080i.

    Cable used to connect box to TV (HDMI/scart) ? HDMI port on TV used if HDMI.

    If scart (analogue). AV input used and settings used on the box for scart output

    Best is RGB provided the scart socket on your TV is RGB capable.

    This box is capable of the best HD pictures from a decent TV.

    I use a cheap Samsung Full-HD -TV in my kitchen via HDMI-Splitter and a balun cat6 link. The pictures are superb.

    Something is wrong. What source are you comparing the input to your TV ?

    Have you tried a different cable and input to your TV.

    | Mon 27 May 2019 21:23:33 #5 |

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