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HDMI Error when watching Prime

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    Joined: Mar '24
    Posts: 1


    I have just had a Humax Aura and had an issue with it appearing with an HDMI error message about 15 minutes into watching Amazon Prime. I have bought new 4k HDMI leads. Last night it was fine but tonight it has come up with the same error message. This time it was 2 hours into watching.

    I am running a Hue sync box through it and wondered if this was the issue.

    | Mon 18 Mar 2024 6:42:21 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    sam1405 - 5 hours ago  » 
    I have just had a Humax Aura and had an issue with it appearing with an HDMI error message about 15 minutes into watching Amazon Prime. I have bought new 4k HDMI leads. Last night it was fine but tonight it has come up with the same error message. This time it was 2 hours into watching.

    Please could you tell us what the error message was?

    I am running a Hue sync box through it and wondered if this was the issue.

    I have never used a sync box but the obvious experiment is to temporarily remove it and see if the problem persists.

    | Mon 18 Mar 2024 12:21:23 #2 |

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