My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

HDMI handshake green screen

(16 posts)
  1. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    Right! Here is the Solution, at least for Samsung TV owners.
    (not that HUMAX Customer support have bothered to reply to my e mail!....yet)

    What I did was to change the setting my TV in Menu for [b]Anynet+(HDMI-CEC) to Off.

    Then you dont at least get the green screen and the FOX T2 HDMI only needs to be set in TV Source if it was not alresday set, even if the TV has been turned off.

    Mind you it wont automatically set itself whent he Fox T2 is turned on though. I understand now this is because it is HDMI and it probably will be OK using a Scaret connection.

    | Fri 2 Nov 2012 9:33:53 #11 |
  2. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    I spoke too soon!
    After watching a DVd on saturday, I tried to chnage the TV source to the Fox T2 and it didnt want to know as I was recording a programme with it.
    The next day it wouldnt do it either.
    The only way it works is turning the Humnx off and back on again.

    I have had the Humax just seven days and have never had so much trouble from any electrical appliance I have bought in the last 35 years as I have had already with this.

    Still no e mail reply from Humax "UK Support" either!

    | Mon 5 Nov 2012 8:46:16 #12 |
  3. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    If you experience "Green Screen" or Black screen and cannot connect to your TV then take the HUmax back to the shop - it is faulty.

    I have juts replaced my Humax after it had another fault as well as Green Screen and have not had a green screen on the new one at all.

    If Humax start getting 100's of their products returned they will be forced to improve them or go out of business.

    | Thu 8 Nov 2012 6:54:24 #13 |
  4. Biggles


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    Reading these forums it's quite obvious that a lot of machines get sent back because of user problems rather than machine problems. Reading the manual is always a good starting point.

    | Thu 8 Nov 2012 9:55:42 #14 |
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    Hi Kalmal I have exactly the same. Samsung and PVR 18 months old now permanent green screen using HDMI. Tried everything. Just written to Graham North because I can't get an email response and the expensive 0844 number puts you on hold. "Which" should look into after sales service before recommending a best buy.Clearly Humax has a problem but won't admit it.

    | Thu 8 Nov 2012 15:30:09 #15 |
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    Finally contacted Humax who have replaced my HDR FoxT2. I can now connect with the TV's and no green screen.

    | Sun 2 Dec 2012 14:00:50 #16 |

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