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HDMI "No Signal"

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    I've just replaced an old Sony crt tv with a Panasonic TX-24G310B and when I connect my venerable Humax HDR-FOX T2 (via HDMI) the tv display shows "No Signal"

    Changing the HDMI ports and/or cables has no effect (the tv recognises my dvd player in either HDMI port, and with both cables.)

    I've tried connecting via scart (picture, no sound) and altering the v-formats with no effect.

    Upgraded the firmware, from 1.03.12 to 1.03.13, no effect.

    Any help gratefully received.


    | Sun 10 Apr 2022 12:11:14 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Headache - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've just replaced an old Sony crt tv with a Panasonic TX-24G310B and when I connect my venerable Humax HDR-FOX T2 (via HDMI) the tv display shows "No Signal"
    Changing the HDMI ports and/or cables has no effect (the tv recognises my dvd player in either HDMI port, and with both cables.)

    In the TV settings, is there an option to select the HMDMI version for the port the Humax is connected to? If so choose the lowest available version.

    | Sun 10 Apr 2022 13:18:51 #2 |
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    Hi Martin.
    Thanks very much for responding.
    The answer to your question is 'no' (it may be a new TV, but it's not that sophisticated.)


    | Sun 10 Apr 2022 13:41:50 #3 |
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    Just contacted Humax and they say it's a "compatability issue" and there's nothing they can do. Are they right?

    | Mon 11 Apr 2022 10:47:05 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Headache - 4 mins ago  » 
    Just contacted Humax and they say it's a "compatability issue" and there's nothing they can do.

    I think they are stating the obvious. The question is how to overcome it. Have you tried using both HDMI ports as looking at a copy of the TV manual there do seem to be some differences between them. You could try contacting Panasonic technical support and ask what version of HDMI the ports are using. You could try inserting an HDMI splitter between the Humax and the TV to see if that helps. If you search this forum and you will find various previous posts about incompatibility between the HDR-FOX T2 and a new TV and most have been resolved satisfactorily by tweaking a non obvious setting.

    Going back to your original post, I am puzzled that SCART provides picture but not sound. I assume you tried increasing the volume on the Humax remote; no sound is also a classic sign of the SCART lead not being fully inserted.

    | Mon 11 Apr 2022 11:00:22 #5 |
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    Hi Martin.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I'll keep looking.

    | Mon 11 Apr 2022 13:49:56 #6 |
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    Hi did u manage to sort this as i have the same problem


    | Sat 25 Jun 2022 9:10:23 #7 |
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    Hi junkman,
    no, still haven't resolved the issue (though the SCART lead, was,embarrassingly, not fully inserted!)
    I've tried an HDMI splitter (Ugreen HDMI Switch) but with no luck. The tv always recognises the dvd player, but never the Humax.
    If you find a solution do let me know.

    the search continues.

    | Sat 25 Jun 2022 10:28:35 #8 |
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    Headache - 1 min ago  » 
    Hi junkman,
    no, still haven't resolved the issue (though the SCART lead, was,embarrassingly, not fully inserted!)
    I've tried an HDMI splitter (Ugreen HDMI Switch) but with no luck. The tv always recognises the dvd player, but never the Humax.
    If you find a solution do let me know.
    the search continues.

    Will do thxs

    | Sat 25 Jun 2022 10:29:55 #9 |
  10. Fixdit


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    I had a simular problem with my HDR FOX T2 and Samsung TV some 6 years ago, black screen or resolution not supported. this is because the T2 and TV tries the various resolutions to hand shake.This only normally occured on power up . Switching tv on first, then the T2 mainly worked. In settings you can set the resolution used on power up or the Channel ( I used BBC1 SD ). Its possible by using a HDMI 2.0 cable may help.

    | Sat 25 Jun 2022 13:14:48 #10 |

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