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HDR-1000S - Any hidden menus?

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    Joined: Jul '11
    Posts: 15


    I wish the <freetime> series of HDRs would display a time stamp, as I would then be able to differentiate between recordings made the same day, for one thing.

    This information is surely saved with the recording. Is there a hidden menu to access it?

    | Thu 1 Oct 2015 8:54:10 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    I agree 100% with this. The way the recordings are listed is inconsistant and changes with whether the recordings have an episode number or not. When some have numbers and some not, or the episode sequence is reset by the broadcaster the order list is simply chaotic.

    Not aware of any way to display time stamps, though there are hidden menus like the Foxsat that allows setup of the connection modes and display of programme crids.

    On a Foxsat-hdr the start time and date is actually in the recording filename as a hidden prefix in the media list. Unfortunately there is no way of actually reading the actual recording file names on the encrypted recording partition.

    The solution ought to be simple - provide a sort button that sorts in the order the recordings were actually made.

    Freesat seen incapable of understanding this simple request. I wonder sometimes if any of them actually use the box.

    | Thu 1 Oct 2015 9:05:49 #2 |
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    Enable debug mode in the secret menu. Gives me date, day, time recording started and the duration.
    Settings, then System Info then Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Blue

    | Fri 2 Oct 2015 8:45:41 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Reffub - 20 minutes ago  » 
    Enabling debug mode in the secret menu. Gives me date, day, time recording started and the duration.
    Settings, then System Info then Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Blue

    That also enables the display of crid info at top of screen (despite being disabled in hidden menu) if you press info for synopsis on a programme of recording which can be distracting, and it cannot be easily removed.

    | Fri 2 Oct 2015 9:11:31 #4 |
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    Barry - 5 minutes ago  » 

    Reffub - 20 minutes ago  » 
    Enabling debug mode in the secret menu. Gives me date, day, time recording started and the duration.
    Settings, then System Info then Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Blue

    That also enables the display of crid info at top of screen (despite being disabled in hidden menu) if you press info for synopsis on a programme of recording which can be distracting, and it cannot be easily removed.

    I only use it occasionally, just to check a recording time and then revert to norm, so the disrupted info isn't really a problem although it is highly annoying.

    | Fri 2 Oct 2015 9:17:46 #5 |
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    I agree it is an annoying omission. However, it is a small price to pay for what is in most respects a very good PVR.

    One feature I miss and which is present with my 2000T is the ability to move/copy recordings. E.g. You record a programme which is part of a series and then decide to record the rest in the series. Once the next programme in the series has created a folder you can move the previous programme into the folder so it then becomes part of the set.

    I find this a very handy feature.

    | Fri 2 Oct 2015 13:09:17 #6 |
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    grahamlthompson - 1 day ago  » 
    ...Freesat seen incapable of understanding this simple request. I wonder sometimes if any of them actually use the box.

    It's become clear that Freesat did not see the Humax boxes as their end objective and so are not overly interested in the wishes of that market. They have turned out a generic software which they hope to sell to as wide a variety of device manufacturers as they can muster. Recent deals with TV makers demonstrate that, it's all about bringing in revenue for Freesat. Humax seem to have just fallen into line with that plan.

    | Sat 3 Oct 2015 7:24:15 #7 |

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