My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

HDR 1000s Crashing

(5 posts)
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    Joined: Sep '12
    Posts: 15


    On 3 occasions in the last 4 days my 1000s has totally locked up and become unresponsive. The only way to get going again is by disconnecting the power and then plugging in again.

    I know this is early adopter territory, with software that may have a few bugs left to be ironed out over the course of time. As long as I see it happening with a few other people and that its not just me then I'll not worry too much

    The locking up seems to occur when navigating the menu's and on one occasion when streaming video from another computer, rather than when watching live tv or changing channels, although I will keep a closer eye and report further should it happen again.

    So, just thought it would be worth kicking off this thread to allow people to share if/when/and how their boxes may freeze up so that we can see if there is a trend . . . ?

    Has your box ever frozen?

    | Tue 23 Oct 2012 20:09:51 #1 |
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    senior member
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    Yes, me too! Had two crashes where I had to pull the power cord. The first was pressing "Exit" on the remote to get out of iplayer, the other was this evening when trying to resume a paused programme, and the thing locked up. in both cases the box was recording, not sure if that's significant. Hopefully they'll release a software update soon to fix these teething issues.

    | Tue 23 Oct 2012 22:52:11 #2 |


    special member
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    No problems here - womder if we all are on the same firmware version what did yours come with? Mine is 1.00.06.

    | Wed 24 Oct 2012 6:58:00 #3 |
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    senior member
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    Yep, same version.

    | Wed 24 Oct 2012 11:58:50 #4 |
  5. Barry


    senior admin
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    This might not work for every situation but is worth trying.

    If your unit becomes unresponsive try keying in 2580, then wait for the now next banner to appear/disappear, if it does then you should have control again.

    (code 2580 clears the browser buffer)

    | Wed 24 Oct 2012 16:16:29 #5 |

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