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HDR-1000S rebooting itself almost hourly

(11 posts)
  1. -B-


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    I purchased my HDR-1000S from Argos in January 2014 so I have had it almost 18 months.
    About 8 months ago it started rebooting itself occasionally and I didn't think anything of it.
    However, the rebooting has become more frequent, almost hourly. this has become quite annoying.

    Also, when it does this rebooting, sometimes the HDD is not recognised and it does not carry out planned recordings. This problem is only resolved by removing the power cable and sometimes needs 2 or 3 attempts.

    Is this a known problem? There seems to be a lot of people complaining about the same problem on the various forums I have visited after a Google search.

    For background information, the box has installed updates automatically so is up to date and is connected to the internet for the on-demand content. Both tuners have good signal and quality levels.

    I have tried a factory reset (from the menu) and reformatted the hard disk but this has not made a difference.


    | Thu 28 May 2015 7:09:07 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Not something I have encountered on my units.

    Try disconnecting the internet connection temp, see if that improves matters.

    | Thu 28 May 2015 11:09:35 #2 |
  3. -B-


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    Taking the network cable out is making no difference. This has also been suggested and tried by others in another forum who are experiencing this problem.

    When it resets/reboots, it is like the power has been cut off. I may try a different PSU. Failing that I may take the lid off and start measuring with a multimeter and checking logic with a scope.

    | Thu 28 May 2015 15:00:33 #3 |


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    I suspect it may be disk related, to get some idea if it is or not try changing the channel to another and back every 40 mins or so. If it is physical corruption on the fixed buffer file this should avoid hitting the spot.

    | Thu 28 May 2015 15:19:26 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Failed cooling fan or smart fan control not working maybe. Try recording two HD channels and replaying an existing recording to see if the fault can be replicated.

    | Thu 28 May 2015 15:30:54 #5 |
  6. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Jan '14
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    See my saga:

    You could try disconnecting the internal hard drive and see whether the reboots continue or stop. However, to do so, you would have to open the case, breaking the warranty seal. You could also try a different (but suitable!) power supply, if you can get hold of one.

    HOWEVER, as the original warranty on these units was two years, if I were you I would certainly be going down that route.

    | Fri 29 May 2015 12:41:13 #6 |
  7. -B-


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    Thanks all for your suggestions, here's what I've done with it....

    (1) tried without the network connection - no change

    (2) decided to take the lid off, cooling fan is free to move but I've never seen or heard it run. The chip with heatsink on gets hot. So what little extra cooling that was achieved by having the lid off made no difference.

    (3) Swapped it with the box in the bedroom which meant I was using 2 different LNB inputs - no change

    (4) Disconnected the hard disk drive - no change - now it doesn't even see the HDD when it IS connected.

    So a possible conclusion from all this is maybe the fan has stopped working causing some irrevesible damage to the main integrated circuit on the board.
    OR, a hard drive failure has affected something else on the motherboard.

    I am also reluctant to buy another PSU in case that isn't the problem and I just throw more money away.

    I have demoted this box to the bedroom as it is hardly used in that room and moved the HB-1000S downstairs. I could put an external drive on it but I'm not bothered right now.

    So, will Humax be releasing a new model soon? I want to be able to record but I don't want to buy the HDR-1000S model again - I just dont trust it enough and don't want to waste another £200.

    | Mon 15 Jun 2015 11:48:25 #7 |
  8. Hogweed


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    Me too

    What a parcel of cr*p this thing has turned out to be!

    | Tue 16 Jun 2015 17:27:09 #8 |
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    Isn't it still under warranty if you had it in 2014

    | Tue 16 Jun 2015 19:33:44 #9 |
  10. -B-


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    Yes but I've opened it now.

    | Tue 16 Jun 2015 20:24:32 #10 |

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