My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S


HDR 1100S as a hard drive

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    Joined: Jul '12
    Posts: 10


    Hi all,
    I am upgrading my HD TV to a 4K TV. Can I use the HDR 1100S as a USB HDD if I connect it to the TV's USB port for recording purposes?
    The reasons for asking are a) The new TV will have more apps
    b) I assume the upscaling will be better through the TV rather than through the 1100S
    Any thoughts and/or advice would be appreciated.

    | Sat 9 May 2020 19:31:29 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    edmnottm - 1 hour ago  » 
    I am upgrading my HD TV to a 4K TV. Can I use the HDR 1100S as a USB HDD if I connect it to the TV's USB port for recording purposes?

    No. Just buy a USB hard drive.

    | Sat 9 May 2020 21:01:03 #2 |
  3. FenderBender


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 981


    Thread closed. Duplicate here.

    | Sun 10 May 2020 17:01:25 #3 |

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