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HDR 1100S DLNA / NAS / Movie Format Experiences

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    Joined: Oct '15
    Posts: 67


    Afternoon all, after a while trying get my 1100s connected to my old Pioneer I was pleased to find that connecting to my NAS & streaming movies the main a breeze.

    However having run it a short while now it's not perfect & just wandered if it was useful to have a thread with experiences, adjustments & possible fixes to dump knowledge into.

    What We have Working:

    -I have a QNAP TS410 with a Raid10 configuration, fully up to date with QTS 4.2 & using Twonkey Server. It's a very much vanilla QNAP set up & the NAS never misses a beat.

    - Movies wise it's a mash of mp4, avi etc, each in their own folder.

    - The 1100s finds every device it should....PC's, connected Sonos boxes & more importantly the QNAP NAS & Twonkey Server. Not sure if it sees our Nexus 7...will check that.

    - All devices are wired, not wireless. Correction, my laptop is wireless.

    - It sees all the files & plays them all pretty well....very well in fact, quality is good & there is little in way of errors.

    Hicups I've Seen So far:

    - The sound stops every now & again. When it does it stops on the entire box. Maybe streamed file related but I don't think so. Yet to be proved.

    - Occasionally when I find a movie with an 'unsupported file format' and go back, all subsequent files then say 'unsupported file format'...even those known to be good and working minutes before....seems when it finds an error, it assumes an error with all. This has so far needed a power cycle down & up.

    - It does not seems to struggle with large files. It handles sound far as tested.

    - Tested same via the USB function and also seems very solid

    - Also tested copy to HDD & also works well

    - Sometimes the 1100s says 'no files'. If I back out 2 or 3 steps and go back in, it finds the folders and files.

    Is about it so far. Interested if these conditions are common or unique to me. Also interested in any other experiences and/or advise any of you might have to improve things further.

    By the topic....I don't see many software updates for 1100s. How regular are they coming and is there a thread reflecting content of what those updates night be?

    Hope this is useful and many thanks to in advance for contributions

    | Wed 2 Dec 2015 13:39:40 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


    special member
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 14,442


    Next software update is likely to be the much leaked info re the update to accommodate Netflix. No idea as to when though. No doubt it will get posted here first when it is released.

    | Wed 2 Dec 2015 13:50:37 #2 |

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