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HDR-1100S On Demand Continually Buffering

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    A few weeks ago, the on demand services on my HDR-1100S started continually buffering, every 2 or 3 minutes for maybe 5 to 10 seconds - they used to work fine. On demand is currently unusable [:-(]

    This applies to all available on demand services - BBC iPlayer, UKTV Play, ITV Hub.

    The HDR-1100S is connected by ethernet cable to my modem/router and I get an internet download speed of 23 Mbps.

    On demand services work without any problems on my desktop PC.

    I have reset the HDR-1100S to factory defaults.

    I have turned off and removed the power cable from the HDR-1100S - several times.

    The buffering problem does not depend on day or time or programme.

    I have requested a software update for the HDR-1100S - there isn't one available, I'm told.

    Any suggestions as to what is causing the problem?

    Or should I just bin it and get another ...?

    | Sun 1 Dec 2019 15:49:07 #1 |


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    Duplicate post, admin please close or delete.

    | Sun 1 Dec 2019 15:53:46 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    UKLarry666 - 4 hours ago  » 
    A few weeks ago, the on demand services on my HDR-1100S started continually buffering, every 2 or 3 minutes for maybe 5 to 10 seconds - they used to work fine. On demand is currently unusable [:-(]
    I have turned off and removed the power cable from the HDR-1100S - several times.

    Have you tried turning off the power to the router and leaving it for say 30 seconds before powering it up again? I have certainly seen routers get very confused now and again.

    | Sun 1 Dec 2019 20:26:45 #3 |

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