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HDR-1100S thinks I have two cables

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    Hi there, My first post here so please bear with me.

    I upgraded from an HB-1000S with external drive to an HDR-1100S using the same single LNB and cable. All is good EXCEPT that it wont let me view other HD channels when recording an HD channel (HB could) and it often gets confused when the recording ends saying that no signal is found - I have to go into standby and turn on again.

    I traced this to it thinking I have two cables connected so did factory reset, retune etc as per various posts I found here but it STILL thinks I have a very weak signal on the second input with no cable connected.

    Is this some kind of internal cross-talk on the input circuitry?
    Can I temporarily terminate input 2 during tuning to force it to be single cable?
    Is there a setting I have missed somewhere?

    Hoping this has been seen elsewhere and someone has an answer as its a pretty good box apart from thid issue.

    | Mon 29 May 2023 8:16:18 #1 |
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    Hello markbirks1,

    Welcome to the forum.

    Easy answer: you mention you have single lnb feed? You 100% need a twin lnb feed. That's why you have the problem. Your previous box worked in a different way, I can't comment in detail, as I don't have one. But the 1100s needs a 2 cable feed to be able to record/ watch 2 channels, sometimes 3 channels depending on multiplex channel. John L

    | Mon 29 May 2023 10:43:02 #2 |
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    markbirks1 - 2 hours ago  » 
    les connected so did factory reset, retune etc as per various posts I found here but it STILL thinks I have a very weak signal on the second input with no cable connected.

    It appears that you have correctly done the necessary reset to make it run in the desired 1 cable mode.
    If you go into go to Settings / System Information / Signal Info is the message at the bottom "Freesat box connected with 1 cable."?

    Also when you did the reset did you have the cable connected to "RF in 1" or "RF in 2"? It needs to be connected to "RF in 1".

    | Mon 29 May 2023 10:50:20 #3 |
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    Luke - 5 hours ago  » 

    markbirks1 - 2 hours ago  » 
    les connected so did factory reset, retune etc as per various posts I found here but it STILL thinks I have a very weak signal on the second input with no cable connected.

    It appears that you have correctly done the necessary reset to make it run in the desired 1 cable mode.
    If you go into go to Settings / System Information / Signal Info is the message at the bottom "Freesat box connected with 1 cable."?
    Also when you did the reset did you have the cable connected to "RF in 1" or "RF in 2"? It needs to be connected to "RF in 1".

    With only one cable plugged into RF in 1 it shows a very weak signal on RF in 2 - therefore it always tunes based on it having two tuners operational. Obviously if I remove that cable and re-tune there is nothing found.

    To answer your second question - it ALWAYS says it has **two** cables connected.

    Is it posible that the second input is picking up the signal from the first input (cross talk?) and that this is the problem. I know the output is powered but am wondering if I can fit a 75-ohm terminator on RF in 2 - but only whilst I perform the tuning?

    Finally - to Answer JohnL - yup, I understand that completely, but I dont have a dual/quad LNB and second cable so I actually want it to only run on one cable

    | Mon 29 May 2023 16:43:17 #4 |
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    markbirks1 - 32 mins ago  » 
    With only one cable plugged into RF in 1 it shows a very weak signal on RF in 2 - therefore it always tunes based on it having two tuners operational. Obviously if I remove that cable and re-tune there is nothing found.
    To answer your second question - it ALWAYS says it has **two** cables connected.

    Have you actioned a reset with the cable attached to RF in 1? Not a retune by itself but a reset.

    | Mon 29 May 2023 17:19:07 #5 |
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    ** UPDATE ** I eventually forced the unit to operate in one cable mode by temporarily plugging in an F-type to coax connector which - presumably - added enough capacitance to dampen the interference it was seeing from port 1. It now no longer sees a low signal on port 2 with no cable connected and - correctly - switches to one cable mode.

    I now have a machine that allows me to record and then watch channels that can be recieved in the same band - as my old HB-10000s did

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

    | Wed 14 Jun 2023 22:30:43 #6 |
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    Hi markbirks,

    Thank you for the update. What you have done might work for 1 multiplex band, but to be able to record 2 channels at same time from other bands, you ideally need a lnb fitted with twin cable feeds. Glad you managed to find a temporary solution. As you know, your previous HB-1000S only needed 1 cable feed to record one channel, but pvrs need at least 2 feeds, especially the newer freesat pvrs using wideband/quad feeds. John L

    | Thu 15 Jun 2023 9:04:11 #7 |

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