My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

HDR 1100S Youtube and the back button

(2 posts)
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    new member
    Joined: Aug '22
    Posts: 1


    Hi, I've got an 1100S Freesat box. When I use the YouTube app I can watch videos and navigate with it fine, it's when I've watched a video and want to retrun to the previous screen I can't. The 'back' button doesn't do anything so I have to exit the app and start all over again. It's frustrating.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2022 19:52:55 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '13
    Posts: 374


    Hi Ricster46,

    Welcome to the forum. You are correct. Well known fault & still not working correctly. I have recently purchased an Amazon Fire stick (am I allowed to mention the "A" word on Humax forum?) & this is vastly superior in performance. The Humax & various other devices I use are all slow & sluggish in comparision to Amazon.

    Just to give an example: my Panasonic Blu-Ray is the best device with Youtube, but the picture resolution often keeps "thinking which mode to use", the Amazon sales through very smoothly & you can also go back & forwards through functions without it crashing/taking you completely out of programme. I have to say, I'm very impressed, but disappointed with Humax/Freesat support. I appreciate the box is now nearly 9 years old.

    If you get a chance to purchase one for 1/2 price on Amazon Prime day go for it! As for the Humax, sadly there doesn't seem much support for their apps. Covid is partly to blame, but the market is also changing all the time. John L

    | Tue 2 Aug 2022 13:29:05 #2 |

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