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HDR-2000T recording problems

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    I have only had this recorder since the end of last month and had previously been able to record all TV channels without a problem. Over the last couple of days however I am unable to record BBC1 and BBC2, but can still access the other channels. Has anyone had the same problem or can anyone suggest a solution.

    | Wed 11 Dec 2013 15:21:28 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Violaman - 47 seconds ago  » 
    Over the last couple of days however I am unable to record BBC1 and BBC2, but can still access the other channels. Has anyone had the same problem or can anyone suggest a solution.

    Can you view live TV on BBC1 via the Humax? It sounds like it might be another automatic tune problem. The instructions for manual tuning are at Link to manual tuning FAQ

    | Wed 11 Dec 2013 15:24:43 #2 |
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    I have recently acquired (December) a Sony Bravia Smart TV and a Humax HDR-2000T. The Sony was installed first (the Humax was being delivered) and worked well for all channels and with the Wi-Fi connection. When the Humax arrived I followed the instructions and experimented with recording programs directly and via the schedule facility. I found that the PVR button MUST be pressed before scheduling any program or programs. The unit recorded programs quite successfully from different channels. I set up a number of programs to record over the Christmas period as we were away. All worked fine with the exception of one program: Channel 30 (5 Star) 02:50 to 05:00 on 24th December While You Were Sleeping. This recorded one out of the 130 minutes and this appeared to be breaking up and on very fast forward!
    Is there an exception with this channel?
    Could bad reception have caused this program?
    Does the Humax fail to record if the program has already started?
    Would like to understand how I can avoid failed recordings if possible!

    | Sat 28 Dec 2013 11:57:17 #3 |

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