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HDR and Onkyo Issues

(3 posts)
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    Joined: Jun '11
    Posts: 13


    I recently upgraded my AV to the new Onkyo 646 and have encountered an issue. My HDR is connected via HDMI to the Onkyo the day I connected it all up and changed the HDR to E4 the sound went very loud and mixed the programme with a high pitch white noise. Changing the channel resolved this. A few days later I was watching a recording and when I stopped to delete it the same issue happened. Assuming it was an issue with the AV I contacted Onkyo who suggested a hard reboot. I first changed the HDMI cable but had the same issue and then did the reboot. This worked for 5 days then the same issue happened. I then took the AV back and got a replacement. Set this up yesterday and guess what, happened again.

    I now suspect its the HDR causing the issue as there is no reports of this Onkyo defect. The replacement is from a different batch so has anyone got any other ideas?

    | Sun 2 Aug 2015 7:32:24 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Not had that problem with my Denon AV amp and my Foxsat HDR but then because the amp is so old it does not have HDMI inputs so they are connected using optical TOS instead. You could give that a try?

    | Sun 2 Aug 2015 8:32:04 #2 |
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    Joined: Jun '11
    Posts: 13


    Thanks gomezz, I've decided to use the spare optical connection on the AV to see if this resolves the problem. Its strange as not an issue on my old AV which used HDMI.

    | Wed 5 Aug 2015 10:34:00 #3 |

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