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HDR-FOX T2 Recording Pixelation

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    Hi Everyone,

    I have run into a strange problem...

    From about 4/5 days ago when I play back any recording of BBC One HD, BBC Two HD, ITV HD, Channel 4 HD, Channel 5 HD, I am seeing glitches in the recording from pixelation, sound dropping, picture freezing etc.

    This lasts for about 10 seconds and then goes back to normal, it appears randomly throughout recordings.

    Hear is some diagnosis I have made....

    How old is my Aerial? - Less than Three years.

    Does this happen on live broadcasts of the same channel I am recording? - No

    Does this happen on the SD versions of the same channel I am recording? - No

    Is the signal strength the same on the TV and the Humax? - No, TV at 90%, Humax around 70-75% for all HD channels.

    Have I re-tuned the Humax? - Yes (and the TV). Problem is still there.

    Looking at the channel that I should see after the retune I can see that the above HD programs are being received on Channel 30 - Frequency 546. The TV is the same.

    But when I look at Crystal Palace info Page it says that HD should be on Channel 48 and Channel 30 is not listed.

    I am not sure what else I can check, does this mean that the HD part of the Humax has the beginning of a defect.

    Any suggestions/feedback is most welcome as this is driving banana's trying to figure out what is wrong!!



    | Sun 3 Feb 2019 19:48:28 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    You must be receiving from more than one transmitter. Do you have duplicate HD channels in the 800's. You will likely find the missing CP PSB3 mux up in the 800's because 30 is lower than 48 it will be found first on a auto tune

    Solution is delete your existing radio and TV channels. Note the channel frequencies for CP. Manual tune each in turn (select DVB-T2 for PSB3, COM 7 and COM 8.

    First check the CP reception, select manual tune and select the PSB 3, COM 7 and COM 8 in turn (change to DVB-T2 modulation) and note signal strength and quality. A signal attenuator may fix the unwanted transmitter channels appearing on a manual tune.

    You should be able to find the other transmitter using channel 30 by entering your details here and choosing the detailed view.

    | Sun 3 Feb 2019 19:59:12 #2 |
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    Hi Graham,

    I tried all your suggestions but with no success. Even went back and reset the Humax to factory defaults and re-tuned again, plus manually re-tuning.

    There are no 800 channels in the channel listings.

    When I try and manually re-tune for channel 48 - 690Mhz, on DVB-T2 it comes back and says that there is no signal on that frequency. That leads me to think that CP has stopped transmitting on the frequency and moved over to channel 30 for HD.

    Interestingly, I have been catching up on some old recordings and HD items recorded before 1st Feb have no signal issues in them, but ones after do have as all HD come in on channel 30 (should be 48 according to the CP listing).

    Another example, yesterday I recorded the Rugby live through the Humax and recorded the BBC HD broadcast at the same time. There were no signal issues watching live, but when I went back and looked at the recording there were.

    Maybe the problem is in the Humax recording!!!!

    Not sure what else to try on this one.

    Very frustrating....

    | Sun 10 Feb 2019 10:49:59 #3 |
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    This confusion has come about by relying on which is notoriously unreliable. As far as I am aware, Crystal Palace has never broadcast anything on Ch 48. PSB3 has been on 30 right from the time of DSO. The other channels are correct apart from the local Mux which is now on 35 not 29.

    PS I think 48 was, or is, PSB3 on the Croydon Old Town relay.

    | Sun 10 Feb 2019 11:46:12 #4 |
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    Yes, PSB3 at Croydon Old Town was 48 but changed to 45 in March 2018. CP is still unchanged on 30.

    | Sun 10 Feb 2019 12:52:23 #5 |
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    Problem solved!!!!!

    Turns out that it is a problem with one of the tuners in the Humax, problem also started to affect other channels including SD.

    Looked at getting it repaired, but though it too expensive and in the end bought a refurbished one Direct from Humax for only £109.00, same size disc as other one but with latest software installed.

    However, what have they done to the User Interface!!!! Still you can have everything I guess.

    I have kept the old Humax and attached it to a small screen in my dinning room so that we can see all of the 'old' recording that were okay before the tuners wen, plue we now have a HD tuner on that set, and then I guess I'll do something with it.



    | Fri 8 Mar 2019 12:18:38 #6 |

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