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HDR Fox T2 v 2000T???

(8 posts)
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    Joined: May '13
    Posts: 45


    OK some advice needed please. Sick of the 'Green Screen of death' every time I turn my TV on, constant powering on and off till it clears, so the FoxT2 is going back. But what can I change it for? HDR2000T?, Panasonic DMR?

    | Thu 17 Apr 2014 18:40:06 #1 |
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    Joined: May '13
    Posts: 45


    Just seen the recent post on the 2000T. Does'nt seem like much of an upgrade, more like a downgrade in most areas?

    | Thu 17 Apr 2014 20:24:45 #2 |
  3. athomson


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    On the T2000 looks like loop through is fixed with a menu option. The power usage is less but there are still too many missing featues of the T2 for me. Maybe it will get better with firmware updates. Have you looked at the IceCrypt T2200?


    | Fri 18 Apr 2014 10:39:38 #3 |
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    Ok cheers, will have a look at that.

    | Fri 18 Apr 2014 18:32:18 #4 |
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    The HDR2000T is a poor substitute for the PVR9300T. No front display, can't edit / trim recordings, no PIP and a poor display of your recordings - doesn't list them in the order recorded. And the TV doesn't get a "pass through", so your TV only works if the Humax is either switched on, or recording.

    | Mon 28 Apr 2014 16:41:10 #5 |
  6. athomson


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    I think the pass through issue is addressed but there is still a way to go to make it a viable upgrade. Would it be easier to upgrade the TV portal for the T2 to include other catch-up services and allow IPTV services?


    | Tue 29 Apr 2014 11:08:18 #6 |
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    athomson - 1 week ago  » 
    On the T2000 looks like loop through is fixed with a menu option.

    Are you saying that this option is now available if I buy one new?
    The one I bought last year had software 1.00.07 and it did not have a menu option which would enable loop through in stand-by all the time.

    | Tue 29 Apr 2014 12:28:36 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    Luke - 4 minutes ago  » 

    athomson - 1 week ago  » 
    On the T2000 looks like loop through is fixed with a menu option.

    Are you saying that this option is now available if I buy one new?
    The one I bought last year had software 1.00.07 and it did not have a menu option which would enable loop through in stand-by all the time.

    | Tue 29 Apr 2014 12:33:49 #8 |

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