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hdr-fox t2 won't turn on

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    Certainly sounds like a power suppy board problem, could be anything on that board, but from your description could well be just the failure of the 'start up' capacitor. If that is the problem I'm suprised you cannot find an 'old fashioned electronics engineer' who could diagnose and replace this inexpensive component, or any other failed capacitors.

    Alternatively as mentioned by hazfiend a search of eBay might find a working PSU board.

    | Mon 18 Sep 2017 17:27:42 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    There used to be a company advertising that they did Humax power supply repairs (as opposed to selling a kit of parts) but I can't find them now.

    | Mon 18 Sep 2017 18:09:14 #12 |
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    "Satcure" used to supply PSU refurb kits for different models, but I think someone here said they were not trading anymore.
    A real shame if true, as they knew their subject, and had an excellent track record.

    | Mon 18 Sep 2017 18:35:49 #13 |
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    A Google of "Satcure" confirms they are closed.

    | Mon 18 Sep 2017 18:42:49 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle - 4 hours ago  » 
    There used to be a company advertising that they did Humax power supply repairs (as opposed to selling a kit of parts) but I can't find them now.

    I suspect that it was this one:

    | Mon 18 Sep 2017 22:11:26 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Luke - 12 hours ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 4 hours ago  » 
    There used to be a company advertising that they did Humax power supply repairs (as opposed to selling a kit of parts) but I can't find them now.

    I suspect that it was this one:

    Yes it sounds right so might be worth the OP contacting them.

    | Tue 19 Sep 2017 10:51:16 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle - 6 hours ago  » 

    Luke - 12 hours ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 4 hours ago  » 
    There used to be a company advertising that they did Humax power supply repairs (as opposed to selling a kit of parts) but I can't find them now.

    I suspect that it was this one:

    Yes it sounds right so might be worth the OP contacting them.

    Thanks everyone - I will see if I can get in touch with them.

    | Tue 19 Sep 2017 17:16:06 #17 |

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