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HDR1000S - DHCP issues, static IP/DNS issues!

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    new member
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    Posts: 2


    This is frustrating.

    My HDR1000S is connected to my ADSL router via RJ45, link up/up. It seems to not want to pick up an IP address via DHCP from the router (don't know why - every other device on my network is fine)...

    So, I enter a static/manual IP address with correct default gateway & DNS settings... But it fails to keep the settings, therefore, I cannot see anything via "On Demand", however, I can stream music from devices on my network.

    Effectively, I have no OnDemand, which was the whole point of my shelling out £250!!

    Any ideas?

    | Thu 6 Jun 2013 17:33:03 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to the Forum

    What software version do you have uploaded?

    | Thu 6 Jun 2013 20:11:16 #2 |
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    it is 1.00.37... however... I've figured it after a LOT of head scratching.

    I seemed to have 2 DHCP servers on my network - I turned one off and hey presto, it worked.

    However, it seems that the static IP gateway and DNS don't stick, but I've read that this is a known issue but nothing is being done about it... useful!!

    | Thu 6 Jun 2013 20:12:52 #3 |
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    junior member
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    My ancient Netgear router allows me to allocate a particular IP address to a particular device based on the MAC address. Might be worth checking the docs for your router. Every time the Humax comes up it gets the same IP address.

    | Sat 8 Jun 2013 21:43:44 #4 |

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