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HDR1000S + Edimax 7711Uan Not working, help please

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    Joined: Dec '14
    Posts: 2


    After seeing the Edimax 7711 Uan v2 dongle recommended on here I bought one but it aint working with my HDR 1000S . Have plugged it in to the back port but it won't communicate with my router - a TALKTALK Huawei HG533. The router name has capitals in it - an issue, maybe? The blue light on the dongle doesn't come on when plugged in. The HDR 1000S doesn't know its there and says Ethernet cable not plugged in.

    From you guys/gals with this configuration can you talk me through what you did from stage one to get it all working, please?

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 17:25:31 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Not convinced this has the RT3070 Ralink chipset, so would not work with Humax products.

    The only info I have found which would confirm my suspicions is this:

    How accurate that is?

    | Sun 14 Dec 2014 9:42:05 #2 |

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