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HDR2000T fails to wake during scheduled recording

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    My recently acquired (14 Dec 16) HDR2000T 500gb (refurb) is a good piece of kit and I am generally pleased with it but there is one major issue with it which seems to be consistently repeatable and bothers me more than a little. When on standby, if I try to start the box up during the middle of a scheduled recording, it stubbornly refuses to come to life until the scheduled recording time is over. Any tips/suggestions/fixes welcome. Thanks.

    | Sun 8 Jan 2017 19:07:17 #1 |
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    Never heard of this problem with a 2000T.
    It was a known problem with the 4000T - whether anything on that thread will be helpful I don't know.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 9:32:52 #2 |
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    Elmono - 2 days ago  » 
    My recently acquired (14 Dec 16) HDR2000T 500gb (refurb) is a good piece of kit and I am generally pleased with it but there is one major issue with it which seems to be consistently repeatable and bothers me more than a little. When on standby, if I try to start the box up during the middle of a scheduled recording, it stubbornly refuses to come to life until the scheduled recording time is over. Any tips/suggestions/fixes welcome. Thanks.

    This has come up a few times for the HDR-2000T on various forums and Q&A sites.
    But when the threads has continued it turns out not to be stuck in standby after all ...

    When it is bought out of standby when recording the red light gets slightly more bright. Once it is slightly brighter you will need to use the TV remote to switch the its attention to the HDR-2000T. On the TV remote look for a button either marked with 'source' or a square with an arrow going into it.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 12:38:10 #3 |
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    Thanks for the tips, EEPhil and Luke. I had not seen that topic in respect of the 4000T but it seems to match my box's symptoms (minus the uncommanded reboots, thankfully). I discovered that the problem only manifested itself when the box was powered down (P41 of the manual) so I played with power management settings a bit. However, it was indeed resolved when I changed the source via the TV remote. So thank you, Luke.

    | Wed 11 Jan 2017 18:08:36 #4 |

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