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HDT-2000T scheduled recording fails with 0% record

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    This issue seems to happen for scheduled recordings in the morning.

    Problem: I schedule a recording from the guide and find that the recording tries to take place but I can see it reports the broken signal icon and 0% file size.

    What I have tried:
    1. To make sure there was no transmission problem I changed to the affected channel I could watch the programme. I didn’t see if the recording started but I didn’t get a message it could not start.
    2. I manually set the recording up instead of selecting it from the guide
    3. I set a reminder to see if that would work and it did.

    This is driving me insane as it does not make any sense.

    My system info:
    Software ver: UKTFAC 1.01.20
    Loader ver” UKFAC 1.04
    Update date: 08 Jan2018
    MICON Ver: 12.4

    Any help is very much appreciated.

    | Wed 23 Oct 2019 13:05:43 #1 |
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    We will need some more information before any sensible diagnosis can be made.
    What programme, channel, time are you trying to set? What transmitter are you tuned in to?
    Some channels (eg. CBeebies) are part time ones. If the recording starts before the channel starts the recording is usually made but is reported as broken.
    If you schedule a recording on the same channel later in the day does this record correctly?

    | Wed 23 Oct 2019 14:09:18 #2 |
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    Here is an example that failed this morning:
    Channel number 10 ITV3
    Time: 10:20-11:30
    Prograame: Agatha Christie’s Poirot

    It also fails on ITV3+1

    IAs I mentioned previously I can view the channel when it broadcasts.

    | Wed 23 Oct 2019 18:16:56 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    tapiper - 5 hours ago  » 
    1. To make sure there was no transmission problem I changed to the affected channel I could watch the programme. I didn’t see if the recording started but I didn’t get a message it could not start.
    2. I manually set the recording up instead of selecting it from the guide
    3. I set a reminder to see if that would work and it did.

    Are you using accurate recording (ie no start and finish padding)? If so are you confident that your box is correctly tuned to a single transmitter?

    | Wed 23 Oct 2019 18:52:27 #4 |
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    Are you using accurate recording (ie no start and finish padding)? If so are you confident that your box is correctly tuned to a single transmitter?

    I have the padding set at 2 minutes, but I don’t know about the transmitter(s) I am connected to, I will check this out later.

    | Wed 23 Oct 2019 20:15:42 #5 |
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    As far as I am aware, ITV3+1 is only broadcast for a few hours in the evening and NOT as a full +1 service.

    | Thu 24 Oct 2019 8:48:34 #6 |
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    ITV3+1 only broadcasts 21.00 to 00.00, so of little use.

    tapiper: When you say you can view the programme as it is broadcast, is that on the Humax or from the television's tuner? Can you try to record something else from ITV3 later in the day and see if that records?

    | Thu 24 Oct 2019 15:20:57 #7 |
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    I can view the channel on the Humax and yesterday what I did was set a reminder for the programme. When the reminder came on screen I changed to the channel and waited for the programme to start. Once it started I started a manual record and it was successful.

    Now here I noticed this problem, when viewing the live feed, the pictured tended to pause every few minutes but the audio was ok and in sync. It was the same on the recording and I have noticed this pausing elsewhere and now wondering if this is a tuner connection issue.

    EEPhil - 22 hours ago  » 
    ITV3+1 only broadcasts 21.00 to 00.00, so of little use.
    tapiper: When you say you can view the programme as it is broadcast, is that on the Humax or from the television's tuner? Can you try to record something else from ITV3 later in the day and see if that records?

    | Fri 25 Oct 2019 14:01:32 #8 |
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    How old is your 2000T? I have fixed "skipping" problems on a couple of Humax pvrs by swapping the hard drive; testing the one which came out using Seagate's Seatools software showed faults.

    | Tue 29 Oct 2019 17:41:43 #9 |
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    tapiper - 4 days ago  » 
    Now here I noticed this problem, when viewing the live feed, the pictured tended to pause every few minutes but the audio was ok and in sync. It was the same on the recording and I have noticed this pausing elsewhere and now wondering if this is a tuner connection issue.

    I'm wondering whether you might be tuned in to the wrong transmitter.
    I suggest going to Digital UK's coverage checker . Enter your postcode and house number and click Detailed View then "Go". Check whether the UHF channel (for the recommended transmitter) for D3&4 matches the channel on your Humax. Go to ITV3 press OK then "i" on the remote to get channel information. If these differ you may need to retune - probably manually.

    | Tue 29 Oct 2019 18:39:32 #10 |

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