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How do I access my Flikr Account on 1010S?

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    I'm just in the process of installing a new 1010S. Having got all the TV side of things working and paired my phone I would like to access my photos on Flikr.
    I've successfully registered my account in myHUMAX and this account can be selected in the Humax/TV Portal section. However, all I get when selecting Flikr, irrespective of account, is a random selection of photos.
    Surely the myHUMAX account needs to be linked to my Flikr account but I cannot see how this is done.
    Probably I'm missing something basic but maybe someone can point me in the right direction?

    | Tue 28 Jul 2015 14:24:51 #1 |
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    This is probably the same as on the Humax freeview boxes where there is no logon offered. On the 'FRIENDS (3)' tab select 'Search Friends' and then search for your account. Search options are emailaddresss, username and flickr ID.

    | Tue 28 Jul 2015 22:16:11 #2 |
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    Thanks, Luke, for pointing me towards 'friends'. Not totally intuitive as I'd normally assume 'friends' was to find...erm..friends, not myself.
    So far inputting my Yahoo/Flikr ID and email address comes back with the message that the they cannot be found.
    Given the clunky way in which the rest of the App operates the message comes back instantaneously, which makes me suspect the Humax box is not even being allowed to access the Flikr database.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 8:53:47 #3 |
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    smithgor - 5 minutes ago  » 
    Given the clunky way in which the rest of the App operates the message comes back instantaneously, which makes me suspect the Humax box is not even being allowed to access the Flikr database.

    That seems very likely, as it seems from the disclaimer that this app isn't an official Flickr app.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 9:03:44 #4 |
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    Just as well I didn't buy the Humax box on the strength of its Apps/ Remote Recording / Media Sharing capabilities.
    Its failed on all 3, so far, to produce the goods.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 9:06:24 #5 |
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    If you've only recently bought it, and are in the throes of buyer's remorse, you might be able to take it back if you move fast. Depending on the retailer of course.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 9:11:34 #6 |
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    No it was bought primarily for the FreeSat features - I have 2 other Humax boxes in France so know the benefits - and as a way of 'updating' a 1st Gen 50" Plasma TV with analogue tuner rather than replace it with a new supposedly-smart-but-actually-dumb TV.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 10:08:05 #7 |
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    JamesB - 3 hours ago  » 

    smithgor - 5 minutes ago  » 
    Given the clunky way in which the rest of the App operates the message comes back instantaneously, which makes me suspect the Humax box is not even being allowed to access the Flikr database.

    That seems very likely, as it seems from the disclaimer that this app isn't an official Flickr app.

    Lookings at
    the flickr API does cater for 3rd part apps to be developed that can utilise the flickr logged on functionality.

    The flickr app garden has examples where access to logon functionality by 3rd party apps must play a part, so it is possible. It is just that the 1010S app is relatively basic in its aspirations.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 12:41:29 #8 |

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