My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

How do I connect to a replacement Router?

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    I have recently ditched BT and moved to PlusNet. How can I persuade my 9300T to recognise the new router? I can't find anywhere in the menu system to tell it the new password - can't get past the 'no connection' message

    | Sat 23 Jun 2018 9:45:29 #1 |
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    JEJeffrey - 9 minutes ago  » 
    I have recently ditched BT and moved to PlusNet. How can I persuade my 9300T to recognise the new router? I can't find anywhere in the menu system to tell it the new password - can't get past the 'no connection' message

    The PVR-9300T does not have any internet functions and has no means to connect to the internet. The message you are seeing on your TV will be coming from the TV itself or something else attached to your TV, but not the PVR-9300T. Start by looking at the TV's menus, not the PVR-9300T menus.

    | Sat 23 Jun 2018 9:58:45 #2 |

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