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How do i view the new GB News channel?

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    Posts: 187


    I didn't realise I would lose any set schedules on that multiplex, I have a good few set so hard to know if anything is missing and not sure what stations are linked to the transmitter and mux that was mentioned as the Humax unit only shows you about 5 out of how ever many there are. I only really view and record from the HD channels 101 - 105 i don't think any of them are on the multiplex 30 in storeton are they? Aren't they all on 22 T2? Do I'm hoping i should be ok.

    | Mon 14 Jun 2021 15:22:00 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    james_uk - 3 mins ago  » 
    I didn't realise I would lose any set schedules on that multiplex, I have a good few set so hard to know if anything is missing and not sure what stations are linked to the transmitter and mux that was mentioned

    If you use this link and search for ARQ B you should find all the affected channels and none of them are HD.

    | Mon 14 Jun 2021 15:27:55 #12 |
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    Joined: Jul '16
    Posts: 33


    Just don't. It's not worth it.

    | Sat 23 Oct 2021 21:55:49 #13 |

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