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How do you manually tune?

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    Posts: 187


    Just got an Aura and wanted to manually tune, unlike the 5000T when you search you instantly stop and save which would be no channels.

    On the Aura it done a search on setup by default but when i try to search again and sgtop straight away there is no option to save, so all the previously stored channels are all still there.

    Or if i manually tune 1 channel with it then wipe out all the current stored ones?

    Can anyone help?

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 13:12:32 #1 |
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    I have found how to do it now sorry

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 15:06:08 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    james_uk - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have found how to do it now sorry

    Might be worth outlining the procedure for anyone else who comes along with the same question.

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 17:31:55 #3 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 187


    Martin, good point.
    So to clear the auto searched channels i done a freeview only reset by going to: Options > Freeview Play Preferences > freeview Reset.

    This will reset saved channels as well as any set schedules, other settings or stored recordings will remain.

    After doing this it would then try and do an auto search but in this case i was then able to stop and save it right away (with nothing saved).

    I could then manually add my channels.

    | Sun 15 Aug 2021 22:38:02 #4 |

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