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How to Format HDD 9200T

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    Joined: Nov '13
    Posts: 15


    After 10 years or so with my 9200T I think the HDD could benefit from a complete re-format. I know there is a Format command on the menu but, as I understand it, this is the equivalent of a "quick format". Can I put the HDD in an external caddy and format it in windows, and if so, is it FAT32 or NTFS? - Thanks

    | Fri 28 Feb 2014 9:00:20 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    PURBECKFOSSIL - 18 minutes ago  » 
    I know there is a Format command on the menu but, as I understand it, this is the equivalent of a "quick format". Can I put the HDD in an external caddy and format it in windows, and if so, is it FAT32 or NTFS?

    The 9200 uses a proprietary format which is neither FAT32 nor NTFS. However I agree that doing a full format is a good idea to try and map out bad blocks and replace them with spare sectors. I suggest formatting it as FAT32. Then run chkdsk. If there are any bad blocks reported then the drive has exhasuted its supply of spare sectors and is end of life. The problem then is finding a suitable replacement. If the drive is OK then just replace it in the Humax which will offer to format it for you which will only take a few seconds.

    | Fri 28 Feb 2014 9:27:51 #2 |
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    Joined: Nov '13
    Posts: 15


    Thanks for the feedback - I'll give it a go.

    | Fri 28 Feb 2014 10:21:58 #3 |

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