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How to "recover" lost recordings?

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    Posts: 1


    A couple of months ago my Aura crashed, and it deleted many of my recordings upon a restart. I thought these were lost until I installed the fx explorer app from Google Play as I had noticed the storage space had not returned to a higher level.

    Sure enough, fx explorer has found my "lost" recordings from before the crash and the files are playable through the app. But the problem is that in the aura recordings interface they still will not show.

    Is there a way to make the Aura show these recordings again? I really don't want to erase the HDD and start from scratch.

    Thank you.

    | Tue 28 Feb 2023 10:11:35 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Surfer2000 - 1 hour ago  » 
    A couple of months ago my Aura crashed, and it deleted many of my recordings upon a restart. I thought these were lost until I installed the fx explorer app from Google Play as I had noticed the storage space had not returned to a higher level.
    Sure enough, fx explorer has found my "lost" recordings from before the crash and the files are playable through the app. But the problem is that in the aura recordings interface they still will not show.

    Interesting observation.

    Is there a way to make the Aura show these recordings again? I really don't want to erase the HDD and start from scratch.

    You could experiment by moving one of the recordings into the "Upload" directory (Recordings/Upload) which is intended to restore recordings that have been copied off the box.

    | Tue 28 Feb 2023 11:28:00 #2 |

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